Think in sign?

ChelEler said:
Total communicated means that I can speak, using my voice, to communicate with people, and I can sign as well to communicate. Link for better explanation. Hope this answer your question.
Yes it does. :ty:
I have dreamed in sign a few times trouble is I am very fluent in my dreams but not in real life. I guess that means I have no idea what i said. I have a large vocabulary in sign but just learning the asl grammar and syntax. I probably sign english since that is what I learned when I was 10. I just wonder if I really sign for real or just signing without it making any sense? I don't know.
Good question! I am hearing and begun learning ASL a few months ago. I go to ASL websites most everyday, is one. I think about ASL all day and almost sign to hearing people. When they are talking I think the signs a lot of times. They are from my point of view when I am talking and from the other persons when they are talking to me. I may just be a weird hearie though I wonder if other hearing do the same. I have started having dreams in ASL with my Deaf friend in them and a few of the Deaf people I have met in them. With my Deaf friend in my dreams I sign to him and he signs back but they are not “real” signs. Mostly hand movements and gestures. He knows what I am saying and I know what he is saying so in my dreams I guess you could say it is more of a telepathy thing. He and I have that in the real world a little bit though. We will be talking about something and he will move his hands and body not using a sign but more conveying a thought or feeling and I understand what he is saying with out saying a word. I am still quite slow with ASL and get signs wrong but once I really think in ASL I will sign quickly and correctly. I believe, for a hearing, you need to think in ASL to be proficient.
Going back to the initial post, it makes perfect sense to think in sign. Especially if that is your "native tounge". If it is your primary language, you would normally translate another language into your native language mentally. Example, If someone signs to me that they want to go get a cup of coffee, I see the signs, and translate them into english. I would do this because that is what my brain knows. Every other language would almost automatically be translated into and out ofmy primary language. Does this make sense or am I just babbling?
I mainly think in words. I do sign but I have a hard time with ASL, I prefer PSE, it's much easier to follow.
I mostly think in words myself but for some reason I count in ASL.
I think occasinally in sign language and rarely dream in sign langauge. In most of my dreams, Im like a hearing person. Im hoh and maybe that have something to do with that. Plus english is my 1st language and I learned ASL when I was 18.
I just completed a linguistics course last quarter in which I found to be very interesting, since the professor discussed how those who are Deaf and are fluent in ASL, think in sign. For all you ASL users out there, is this true? Whereas, hearing people think in words. Since I don't use ASL at all, I wasn't sure about this issue. Repsond please if you can!! Thanks!

I am hearing but I now dream in sign mostly, I think out loud in sign, and often while reading Closed Captioning, i mentally see the signs forming in my head.

I dont know that I would really say that I 'think' in sign.
I had the most unusually linguistic dreams the other day. An interpreter was voicing for me when I was signing to my hearing classmates and professor. Okay? BUT I COULD HEAR EXACTLY WHAT THE INTERPRETER WAS SAYING. And I was a happy cookie because I was in total agreement with the accuracy of her translation.

Dang. It was just a dream. Dang!
Of course!

Yes I have been deaf since birth and think in BSL since that is what I sign. People think in their native language whether it is spoken or signed.