The Tea or Coffee Game

Natural nails

sweet & spicy crackers, or plain?
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Natural nails.

big nose or tiny nose?
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KristinaB said:
Natural nails

sweet & spicy crackers, or plain?

Spicy crackers.

Tuna or chicken salad?
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chicken salad, but Im not really a fan of those kind of salads.

shark or sailfish meat?

Care bears or My little pony? They have similar theme.
Carebears.. they can fight with their icons on their stomach, tho...

The Simpsons or The Family Guy?

The Simpsons, I guess. I haven't seen those in a while. There's some copy-cat cartoon family shows.

If you lived in a snow-belt state.

Which car you would choose? AWD or FWD?
Definitely waffle cones with chocolate and rainbow jimmies around the edge!

Hot humid and hazy summer or freezing cold winter?
As long as there's no no snow then I will take the freezing cold winter.

shakes or malts?
I want to say North, but I've never been to South Carolina.

reality TV or Drama?