The Same 18,181 Votes

So going by what you just said, couldn't one conclude that since truth is stranger than fiction, all of those candidates got the same number of votes completely by citizens casting their votes? Completely legit and legal? Or does your logic only work toward your benefit?
You may conclude that if you wish, even though the odds of that happening are utterly and infinitely astronomical. I take note THAT works to your benefit, and you have yet to post any source to back up ANY of your wild claims.
Have a nice day. Enjoy being in blissful denial.
Beowulf said:
You may conclude that if you wish, even though the odds of that happening are utterly and infinitely astronomical.
As well it may be. I was simply asking a question based on the previous statement.

Beowulf said:
you have yet to post any source to back up ANY of your wild claims.

Pardon, exactly which "wild" claims might those be? I simply said I found it hard to swallow that someone would be stupid enough to "help” candidates into office by giving each of them the exact same number of votes because it's illogical. I never once stated that it didn't happen, i simply said I have problems believing it did. So, I ask again, which "wild" claims are you referring to?