The Ring

Re: is "THE RING" movie good ?

Originally posted by daprilz
is "THE RING" movie good ?

my cousin said its very scary than you think and my cousin and some of his friends can't sleep for few nights becuz of that MOVIE. :shock: :ugh:
haven't seen it !
kevbo, you did good job....

my gf just saw it and she screamed bec she thought it's real. we already watch it and she worrys too much
Originally posted by vvti low rolla
kevbo, you did good job....

my gf just saw it and she screamed bec she thought it's real. we already watch it and she worrys too much

:laugh2: :mrgreen:
Originally posted by kevbo
I think it's pretty :greddy:

do you mean this ? Kevbo
I just watch the sucks than ring. When the people get killed by a person. their faces isn't scared to me, but american "ring" movie. it does sick me out.
I like this movie. Its good. I like the part where the girl came out from the tv and walk slowly and quikly to the guys face. I mean damn that caught me off gaurd there. I was thinking run you fool she is slow but after she did that I was oh boy you screwed.
yeah exactly, i was like u fool just run out of there, but he kept staring at her. after we watched the movie, i was like "i gotta make a second copy of that movie just in case!" rofl.
It is really good movie yeah it is suppose be scary. It don't get me by nightmare also I know it is kinda of mystery too. :D
I dont really understand the movie LOR.........can someone explain it to me.......
They did a shitty job of trying to make the picture look real. If you look at the picture, you'll see that only one woman is in black and that her face doesn't match the settings of the other faces. In the picture, everything is lighted from the right. If you look at that one woman in black, the light is from the left. Anyone should catch this mistake when they first see the picture!
Their sence didn't not good job. They make a lot mistake on the picture or film to using the graphic. For example; at the ending the woman holding the twised girl's head turn skull but not her both legs. Also, I heard the rumor there will be part two about her mother going to killed her. Woow! It sounds interesting!