Originally posted by Boult
Url please :) since you said you just found out..

I was just in middle of a discussion with a former workmate of mine from the DOJ dept. They just had a case with someone doing that. That concept was that's why I thought I should have mentioned that last night.
Originally posted by Bush_in_2004!

I'm not picking on you but "3821 (43.15 posts per day) This is the reason why you still don't have a job." is a pretty strong argument.:)

Can I make a suggestion? With your skills of multi-tasking, why not cut down to 33.15 posts a day and instead send out more 10 resumes to the ones that you are already sending out daily and it might increase your odds a bit. I'd like for you to get a job so you can BUY my DVD someday instead of getting it free. My daughter would like to go to college some day BUT she'll have to work at McDonalds if people keep stealing my creations. see?:(

Yes, that can be a strong argument but that can be deblunked.

My number of postings barely could prove that I spend all day on the forum. As a matter of fact, I'm doing few side of them is for..this and another one with this one. All of those has been part time type of work..which cannot keep me occupied like a full time job does...and also it don't pay much...but at least it helps me get the money for the bills and keeping my wife happy with her shopping fetish and her college classes.

Normally, I open up AD then go into the new posts..and open all the new posts pages...then do work on some servers and while it's running something...I do some postings...then go back to work after it's finished compiling or waiting for DNS records to update. That's what made the counts to go Vampyrox seems that I am a post pimp....but I just post quickly.

About this resume thingy....I regularly check as soon as I get up for available jobs throughout the state and few major cities. How can I really send out 100 resumes in one day if there's only like 2 or 3 available tech jobs here in this whole state?

I don't send resumes to mcdonalds....last time I tried....they told me to fill out the application I did that. I wouldn't move to a different part of the state just for a small timer job like at mcdonald's. It's cheaper to stay with Lisa's parents and have Mcdonald job to save up enough money to move to where there are more tech job available or even move to somewhere that I got a new job at.

Anyways...let's move back to the DMCA topic....this post above really has nothing to do with this those people who stand for DMCA are really full of misleading information or believes in limited freedom.

I propose for a big change in DMCA to be more specific without breaking our constitution amendments. It can be done to where it still would protect the works of those artists and othe material creators.

Can you believe that the RIAA has the rights to walk up to your house and seize your computer themselves after the obtained the warrant from themselves (not from the court or a judge) instead of standing by and letting the police, after the police gets the warrant from a judge, to do it?
SG, well good luck with your job search. Some people are capable of surfing the net without it consuming their life and others are addicted to the point they just about have no life. I'm not trying to judge them but I'm glad you're part of the former.:)

I believe the police need to be present when a search warrant is carried out, right? I highly doubt the RIAA can show up alone and snatch your computer.

Even though, this ought to be a warning to kids file swapping music -- the law is pretty much on the side of the RIAA that judges apparently issue search warrants.

If you feel you're "in the right" prepare to hire an attorney, go broke or even, go to jail over your belief in "free" music.
Originally posted by Bush_in_2004!
SG, well good luck with your job search. Some people are capable of surfing the net without it consuming their life and others are addicted to the point they just about have no life. I'm not trying to judge them but I'm glad you're part of the former.:)

I believe the police need to be present when a search warrant is carried out, right? I highly doubt the RIAA can show up alone and snatch your computer.

Even though, this ought to be a warning to kids file swapping music -- the law is pretty much on the side of the RIAA that judges apparently issue search warrants.

If you feel you're "in the right" prepare to hire an attorney, go broke or even, go to jail over your belief in "free" music.

Thanks for the luck...I'll need all the luck I can gather.

No the police does not have to be present. Speaking about the can read at this link. Here is the important part.

So now corporate America wants the ability to invade your personal possessions and have free reign to whatever they like - all in an attempt to protect their bottom line. As long as they "believed" that there was stolen copyrighted material, they would be completely shielded and you'd have no recourse to whatever they did. Not even the police can do something like that without a valid search warrant signed by a judge. But a warrant is too much hassle for the RIAA. The absolute gall of those bastards is un - fucking - believable.

In other words, RIAA would have had as much authority of a police officer with a warrant paper in his hand.

That article is in 2001. That's 2 yrs ago....and RIAA is trying to make the patriot law (sept 11 anti-terrorist law) flexiable to be designed to category those copyright thieves as terrorists.

I am not standing up for the music. I am mainly standing up that there needs to be serious changes in the DMCA laws.
SG, I agree about changes in the DMCA needed. However, I can guarantee one thing -- there won't be "free music" (or movies, for that matter) in the future -- artists will have to be protected in some way.

btw, I've been RIAAed and DMCAed to death over the past 2 years in another restricted access forum where in some cases careers are hanging in the balance awaiting the outcome of these issues.
Well, the whole government needs to understand that american people has the choice. All we have to do is inform those people who don't understand all those "computer mumbo gumbo shit" how important the DMCA is for our techology future.

I don't know about rest of you...but I do worry about when my mother or father is using a computer and doesn't realize the risks of what could happen. They both are computer illiterate.

Those software that we all depend on needs more better laws to protect the computer users. Who's responsible for the lack of security in the existing OS? When would we all really realize that DMCA doesn't really protect us..but instead protects the corporate businesses from being responsible for the damages of their own digital products.

I agree with with you that there sure won't be free music or movies.

Oh wait...there already are. (radios and free broadcasting shows/movies) :p

You know the usual rountine that you could tell people..."Write to your congressman/woman and let them know that you don't agree with how the RIAA is abusing the broad laws of DMCA." So why wait and instead go and do something? I know that many of you wouldn't know what to do. :/
Whatever happened to, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse?".
258 about the RIAA's actions against those people who are sharing media such as music online -- I have already alerted my husband to this and he's not sharing music anyway..only downloading for his own entertainment as he burns them onto cd's and listen to them on his cd player in his 4x4, :lol: I don't bother with that, of course, cos I'm :deaf:, :doh:
Until the RIAA/p2p situation is resolved, here's a few hints . . .

1) Download ONLY! Don't upload. :nono:

2) Remove major label artists from your shared files.

3) Stay away from artists like Avril Lavigne, Ludacris, Busta Rhymes, Michael Jackson and Musiq. (they're all crappy anyway :shock: :barf:) These are the artists p2p files the RIAA is closely tracking.

BUSTED? Go here for an attorney: and send us a post card from jail! :lol:
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I agree, movies and music shouldn't be shared in other mediums other than the legal medium they are in. That would be highway robbery, and it shouldnt matter if you were broke or are just that cheap.

I watch cable movies on TV, but I don't have english subtitles.... so do I have a good reason to download english subtitles from the internet?

What about watching a TV movie or episode I've missed? Rare japanese animations annually shown only in Japan? I reckon if movies or shows are run on public TV for free, they are open game. But, I'd like to hear your input on this.
L sez: "I watch cable movies on TV, but I don't have english subtitles.... so do I have a good reason to download english subtitles from the internet?"

huh? you have found English-speaking movies on the net with English subtitles??
Bush_in_2004! said:
L sez: "I watch cable movies on TV, but I don't have english subtitles.... so do I have a good reason to download english subtitles from the internet?"

huh? you have found English-speaking movies on the net with English subtitles??

Huh? I'm not clear on what this is about? Care to clarify so someone as dumb as I could understand?
LinuxGold said:
Huh? I'm not clear on what this is about? Care to clarify so someone as dumb as I could understand?

I'm not clear in understanding this either. I hope Liza can explain.:)
Bush_in_2004! said:
I'm not clear in understanding this either. I hope Liza can explain.:)

Ok! Sorry for not being more clear, Linux n Bush:

I'm not referring to movies already having the option of english subtitles. I'm talking about just a document of the english subtitles themselves that you download from the net. You can see examples I am talking about -- You download only subtitles, not the movies themselves. You already have the movies that you rent or own them - but unfortunately they dont have freakin' english subtitles! Now what? A solution - downloading subtitles document from the internet.

I live in Norway now, and yes I am learning Norwegian altho I've not taken classes yet (those people are still trying to figure a solution for me to take classes when I'm deaf and understand a bit of Norwegian and English in writing and reading). SO, I do read the norwegian subtitles on TV but it's somehow not relaxing for me... I enjoy movies and shows more if I can read English subtitles, and I don't want to work all the time on my Norwegian. ;)

In short, there's absolutely no English subtitles in Norway... ehm, excuse me, Norge (some norsk deafies were a bit weird with me using the name Norway instead of the real norwegian name for the country) - except for some rental DVDs, I say only SOME... hehee!

I hope this has cleared up a lot.. if it hasn't, let me know.
And yes, I got kidnapped to Norge by a certain norsk husband... just like Ms WaterRats to Australia by her aussie husband... :mrgreen: ahhh love.

Is there a law against downloading subtitles themselves? I am aware that many subtitles' documents are made to be embedded into pirated movies, but that's not why I download them 'titles.
Ahh, the fog has cleared. I doubt that downloading the subtitles would be illegal because it seems to me that is what the service is for. On the other hand, if you went into business to sell the downloaded stuff, that might be different. I don't see the RIAA involved in this case.

But I'm not a lawyer. If you get thrown in a Norwegian jail, I won't be able to help you! :shock:
oh, pirated movies is another matter -- this is strictly enforced. the U.S. govt have undercover agents around the world to catch these thugs that harm our businesses. They'll toss you in a foreign jail. So unless you want to be a "girl friend" :bowdown: to inmates . . .
Bush_in_2004! said:
oh, pirated movies is another matter -- this is strictly enforced. the U.S. govt have undercover agents around the world to catch these thugs that harm our businesses. They'll toss you in a foreign jail. So unless you want to be a "girl friend" :bowdown: to inmates . . .

:lol: speaking from personal experiences?