The Person Below Me

Maybe it is a possiblity :naughty: :lol:

TPBM having a quiet night?

Pretty quiet here tonight after a road trip to visit relatives. Three small dogs are demanding to travel with.

The person below me is thrilled to learn Woot! launched a mobile site so you can buy cool things while pretending to pay attention to extended family.
nope no extended family,greatly discouraged if buying anything even if i had

tpbm will watch 'start trek or dr who' in next 24hrs
False! I get my fangirl fix by watching Firefly episodes over and over again.

TPBM likes the dark meat on the turkey much more than the white. (I know I do!)
Yes, I did!

TPBM hunted the turkey they are eating for Thanksgiving.
No...but my sister and her family in N.C. does...even puts the Turkey in the ground every Thanksgiving and cook it for several days...

TPBM had a quiet Thanksgiving and enjoyed it very much....
No, I try to stay clear of them

tpbm is finished (for the most part) his/her holiday shopping.
No, I try to stay clear of them

tpbm is finished (for the most part) his/her holiday shopping.

hahaha Although I did buy some cool pillows for my granddaughters.

The person below me wishes they had written the shopping list better and didn't have to return to the same store today for forgotten essentials.
hahaha Although I did buy some cool pillows for my granddaughters.

The person below me wishes they had written the shopping list better and didn't have to return to the same store today for forgotten essentials.

Been there, done that.

TPBM is going to a Christmas concert this year (amateur or professional)
Who is Daniel Craig?

Person below me is going to see a Santa Claus that uses ASL this year.
danial craig is the present james not see santa do asl may see santa do bsl

tpbm will use fb in next 24hrs
im using it now,

the person below me is a fan of "the big bang theory" on TV
Yup, love The Big Bang Theory :).

TPBM has tried the meatballs at Ikea.
false, im trying !! lol

tpbm, can smell their own fart while having a bath or spa