The person below me game....(Part II)


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Jan 12, 2004
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The person below me game....

Hey everyone,

I have other forums and copy a game from other website. By the way, I was bored. No matter....

Ok, I'll make a statement like"The person below me is eating" and the person responds with "True Or False" and then that person makes another statement.


{Mod Edit: Continuation of thread follows with the next post being the last entry of Part I which is now closed--enjoy! :) )
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Pomeranian said:
Does this person below me know any German language by speaking or writing or both??

False. But I was forced to take some German classes in elementary school.

The person below me is a basketball fan.
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True....(from a boat and on the island of Maui)

Person below me likes Monday Night Football
not true, im just being indifferent tonight. :whistle:

person below me had lied about something here on AD once or twice in a while. :o
False... I speak from the heart

The person below me ever experience seeing or going through a tornado?

It was on January 3, 2000 (That date will never be forgotten) because it happened in the middle of the winter and It was a F-3 tornado that hit the town where I used to live at. I was very lucky at the time because I was living in a 2nd floor apartment unit. I could not believe how bad the aftermath was when I saw the debris scattered everywhere and the roads was flooded up to my calf.

To the person below me, Have you ever been arrested?
True, When I was teenager shoplifting nail polish at the Zellers.. "Just Teenager I was" Shame me....

Does Person below me, Ever experience FLOOD any kinds catergary?
GalaxyAngel said:
True, When I was teenager shoplifting nail polish at the Zellers.. "Just Teenager I was" Shame me....

Does Person below me, Ever experience FLOOD any kinds catergary?

true i guess whenever hurricanes come and it rains a lot my backyard floods. sometimes it floods so bad u could water ski on it.

the person below me has lost a sock in the dryer.

the person below me is a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

the person below me has had a one night stand?