The Person Above Me Is **PART FOUR**

^ above me, Thanks! I do too! :giggle: :giggle:
^ me, can you some of the candies in your avatar to me ? :lol:
2nd person above me, Nope sorry! That's for sex show not for eating! :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
^ 2nd person above me, I am :pissed:
I am not waiting for sex show . I am hungry . pfft .. :slap:

Above me, behave!! Be nice and share your goodies with your friends. *scolding*
the person above me have cute avatar. I love it.. any cats like domestic pet, tiger, leopard, bobcat n etc.. are my fav animals.. :)
The person above me is partially correct... not quite the area, but yes, the same continent.
The person above me, Hernado de Soto did went across the ark river from Miss to NW of Arkansas. so obivously he did go all way from east to NW.
The person above me, Hernado de Soto did went across the ark river from Miss to NW of Arkansas. so obivously he did go all way from east to NW.

This person above me was correct unlike this other person who tried to criticized me.
The person above me misunderstood me, I did not criticize him/her. Smiley Gin, thanks for the correction!!!
The person asked a valid question - you thought I criticized you, I did not.
Sorry, if there was a misunderstanding.

^ The person above me is one of my true bluesy friend!! :hug:
The person above me is a fine genuine lady who has her heart melted when she feels the *beep* *beep* going into her ;)
The person above me is correct...right now...*beep beep* as I look over at an Angel that doesn't need a halo adjustment at all! :D