The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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*it's a pix of stickman riding motorcycle. right side of him is the message - "Off to Cape May" along with a picture of a lighthouse wedged in between these words for visual aesthetic purpose. FYI - Cape May's in very southern tip of NJ and its signature is the lighthouse.

and maybe stop by at Philly on the way home for Geno's and Pat's :drool:
Guessing you're a graphic designer, Jiro?

very far from it. I'm the webmaster (web programmer). I work with graphic designer at work. My photoshop skill is just slightly above beginner level. All I did is cut and paste, adjust here and there. throw in some color. viola! :lol:
Ah. Not very often you see people throw things together unless they're a graphic designer, or is dabbing in Photoshop and Illustrator for entertainment.

The fact you mentioned Photoshop shows you're not a designer anyway. ;) Since most of them use Illustrator for this kind of work. (vector- versus rastor-based programs.)
Ah. Not very often you see people throw things together unless they're a graphic designer, or is dabbing in Photoshop and Illustrator for entertainment.

The fact you mentioned Photoshop shows you're not a designer anyway. ;) Since most of them use Illustrator for this kind of work. (vector- versus rastor-based programs.)

last statement - yep! I tried using Illustrator and I gave up :lol:
My dog is so silly. She loves to watch people from the living room window. Thank goodness she doesnt bark at them..that would have been so annoying! I woke up feeling weird all over..I guess i will not work out today and take it easy.
I'm wanting to burn some DVDs onto my computer today. Not sure how I'm going to do that, but it will be an adventure. :lol: I have so much space on here to use... so I think I will have no problem being able to keep all those files on here.
I'm wanting to burn some DVDs onto my computer today. Not sure how I'm going to do that, but it will be an adventure. :lol: I have so much space on here to use... so I think I will have no problem being able to keep all those files on here.
It is pretty easy.
It is pretty easy.

Yes, easier than I thought. At first I was searching up how to rip files from a DVD and I thought it would be a long huge process and that I'd have to pay a lot of money for a fancy ripping program. I also saw that there were so many things that had to do with legal issues, which aren't a problem with my DVDs because they are home videos. I found a ripping program on my computer called "DVD Fit". So far it's done one DVD for me. I've got three more left.
Yes, easier than I thought. At first I was searching up how to rip files from a DVD and I thought it would be a long huge process and that I'd have to pay a lot of money for a fancy ripping program. I also saw that there were so many things that had to do with legal issues, which aren't a problem with my DVDs because they are home videos. I found a ripping program on my computer called "DVD Fit". So far it's done one DVD for me. I've got three more left.
paying for a fancy one? Not worth, there is free ones somewhere deep in the internet world! :lol:
Enjoying my Sunday, catching up on rest. I did some cleaning, shopping and surfing online :) I am ordering more interpreter study materials its never ending, gotta love my job :)
So.... any one wanna donate to make Violet famous in a movie directed by JClarke and shot by Nathan? :D
So.... any one wanna donate to make Violet famous in a movie directed by JClarke and shot by Nathan? :D

:eek3: You actually get this seriously? I think Jake boy and I were kidding. Nah, why not?
Later guys, I am going out to watch a gross movie...SAW VI. Will tell you how it goes. Will still be here online via iPhone. iPHONE FTW!!
Later guys, I am going out to watch a gross movie...SAW VI. Will tell you how it goes. Will still be here online via iPhone. iPHONE FTW!!

Please don't tell about that movie. :shock: :Ohno:
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