The Letter


New Member
Oct 7, 2010
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I wrote this while I was mad. Don't remember at who lol Hope you like

PS: The line in spanish says " Because I think your daddy doesn't love me anymore. "

To: A cheating bastard like you
From: Your very lovely wife

Hello there dear, you probably are freaking out by now because of the way I addressed the letter. Yes, I know. I knew for quite a while...I just waited to see if you would stop or confessed. If you had confessed I would have probably forgiven you after beating the crap out of that nasty whore. I thought we were a happy couple, you always made me happy but I guess I just wasn't enough for you. I'm not going to apologize for that because I gave you my all and honestly I have no fucking idea what went wrong. You could've told me, you know? You have a mouth and a brain with the enough power to articulate...or at least I thought you did.

If you thought there was no way to work this out you should've said so; we could've divorced without me having to go through the painful realization that you had changed and an even more painful discovery like the one I made 3 months ago. I wonder if you thought I was her when you were having sex with me while I was making love to you. I'm glad Rose doesn't know our 5 year old daughter...just reminding you, I have no idea if you forgot her also. Whenever she asks me " Mommy why you cwy? " while attempting in a futile attempt to reach and wipe my tears, I just answer " por que creo que tu papito ya no me ama " her confused face is absolutely adorable but I send her to play before she sees me entirely break down.

I'm sorry because there have been times were I hug your pillow and cry leaving it damp, and when you decide to sleep you get slightly annoyed at it. You don't hug me anymore...not even at night when I'm cold, you just turn around and give me your back. I wonder how many times you did that and I just did not notice. What does that home wrecker has that makes her better than me? What made you downgrade me to nothing-but-trash level? And here I thought we would grow old and have a big family together. GODDAMNIT, I LOVE YOU! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME??? You lied to me, you just spilled empty are nothing but a liar.

I guess you must be getting tired of having to hold this piece of paper and read what I was not able to say to your face. Yes, I can hear it now, you saying I'm a coward...I just can't face you, I would burst out in tears and beg for an explanation but I rather be seen as a coward by a cheating bastard like you than to lose my pride, dignity and respect for myself at your feet, begging for you to take ME back and leave HER. You must be laughing right cruel of you to laugh at the woman that would kill as well as die for you. Anyway I am taking Rose with me, I would dismember that whore if she even dared to touch our child. Don't worry I will teach little Rosie to love and respect her daddy as always, I'll tell her that he is a good man and whenever she asks why you aren't here I'll just say " Because he did not need mommy anymore".

Anyway I'll take my leave, I'll see you in about 8 months, by that time I'm sure I'll have the divorce papers ready and the papers for you to recognize your unborn child. What a great parting gift you gave me. I'm a month and a half into the pregnancy...I did not told you when I found out because I thought there was no need. What for? For you to look horrified having to work for another mouth to feed? Well don't worry because I only want for you to recognize the baby. I don't want any of your money, I will work for my children and you will work for your whore.

Another thing I ask of you...please come and see Rose every so often, I'll give you the address to my place. Don't become a stranger, you may not need me but little Rosie still needs her daddy. Same thing when the baby is born, you after all are his father. Note I am not asking for money but for some of your spare time with your children. That is all there is to you have fun, take care, try to stay out of trouble and I hope that after reading this...You can actually sleep at night.


Your very lovely ex- wife.
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Wow, very emotional, glad I'm not a cheat! :)

I like the unborn child touch, just to add insult to injury huh.
Wow, very emotional, glad I'm not a cheat! :)

I like the unborn child touch, just to add insult to injury huh.

I know!!!! I was thinking of something that would make a man, feeling horribly guilty over something like that, felt even WORSE and -chorus of angels in the background- I thought of those precious bundles of Bwaahahahah! -evil-

And I'm so glad you're not that kind of man. This world needs better men!! ...and women, but men tend to lean more on the cheating side ;D
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