The CSD question


New Member
Jun 4, 2004
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I picked up strong reliable wind Communication Services Deaf is possibly ;

1) Closed


2) Headed to court


3) Got busted for mispending TTY distribution grants on a (group) trip to somewhere in California.

Thats what the wind I been picking up over the weekend.

Anyone can verify this?

Nesmuth said:
I picked up strong reliable wind Communication Services Deaf is possibly ;

1) Closed

I contacted CSDVRS, and it still opens. I wonder why you did not test your VP?

Nesmuth said:

2) Headed to court
For what charge if you do not mind to spill some beans..

Nesmuth said:

3) Got busted for mispending TTY distribution grants on a (group) trip to somewhere in California.

Thats what the wind I been picking up over the weekend.

Anyone can verify this?


Have you been collecting some raw datas from the Sorenson users?
Nesmuth said:
3) Got busted for mispending TTY distribution grants on a (group) trip to somewhere in California.
Well, I don't know if CSD got 'busted' or if they 'misspent' public funds, but I do know that they recently bought the Deaf Expo in California. (Not to be confused with the DeafNation Expo.) I do know that CSD sent some staff to the Deaf Expo in Southern California, but it would appear to be in the normal course of business; After all, they do own the Deaf Expo.

Is that what you're referring to? Is CSD still continuing the Deaf Expo in Southern California? I hope so! I have attended a couple of Deaf Expo's in the past and had a great time.

Strangely enough, their website has been somewhat slow in responding. I assume there's a spike in web traffic, probably due to the 'Ridor' effect.
Mookie said:
Have you been collecting some raw datas from the Sorenson users?

That could be it, could be some prank from the Sorenson loyalists.

Eyeth said:
Is CSD still continuing the Deaf Expo in Southern California?

That pretty much has been taken over by the Deaf Asians with their Mata Expo.

CSD replied to my inquiries theyre saying it's a long old rumor. They replied with "None of the 3 is true".

How that plays out is up to the good old ticker time clock.

So, since there are three wildly different rumors out there, you're inclined to believe the rumors over what the company will publicly tell you?

Aren't you the one who has billions of rumors out there that you say aren't true, because you say people are targeting you? Hypocrite.
Nesmuth said:
That could be it, could be some prank from the Sorenson loyalists.


Are you effing kidding me? Why does EVERYTHING always have to be about Sorenson? His question had NOTHING to do with Sorenson.
After receiving more messages including;

1) "Heard theyre headed to court because of something happened in California"

2) "Because the SD state government told them to spend grants on tty and equipment on d/hh people, but they spent money going on a trip to California"

from a very trustworthy source.

Time is the best judge on news like these.

It's been two weeks without any further development on any rumors involving CSD. What else have you heard, Richard?

There haven't been any lawsuits launched in CA or South Dakota involving CSD.

I don't care for any "rumors" about CSD, Sorenson, GLAD, OC Deaf, anything of the sort. All I'm seeing is mudslinging by someone who lashes out at anyone who dares to question your assertations.