The Actors/Movies Game


New Member
Feb 23, 2005
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Sorry if this belongs to the wrong forum, but it's all about movie and you all are free to participate this easy game.

How does this game work? you have to think of actor or actresses then what movie he or she is starring in and what movie starred who so go on. I know I'm bad at explaining this, but I'm going to give you an example:

I'll start with Robert De Niro. What movie he is starred in? I should think of Taxi Driver. Ok Taxi Driver, who is also starred in that movie? Cybill Shepherd. What another movie did Cybill starred in? The Last Word, so go on

Robert De Niro > Taxi Driver > Cybill Shepherd > The Last Word, but you have to do one at a time.

Let's play and I'll make a new one.

Rodney Dangerfield

You can think of a movie he's starred in and others will think of actors or actresses so go on. Enjoy the game :D
deaflibrarian said:
The original question was Actors/Movies and not Actors/TV shows. Would you try again and this time use a movie?

Then the mini-series from 2003. Mini-series counts as a movie. It's just a game, let's go on with it.
deaflibrarian said:
Nah, I like playing by the rules and a mini-series does not count because it is on telly. Have fun though. :)

Okay Monica.