That's it, that's it, that's Effing it!!!!!!!

Get out of here as you can. Living with your abusive dad is not that healthy for you and your daughter. I am glad that TXgolfer offers you a place to live for a while. I wish you both good luck!

By the way, you should be a writer, Dixie. You are very creative and talented at writing. Shel, you, too. Seriously. I envy you both. :giggle: No worries. :D
Damn. I think you better get out ASAP.

I AGREE! Many years ago I was in a very abusive relationship. This guy was just my boyfriend but h e put me in the hospital for a month and caused me to lose my kids to the effing system for 7 years. Whatever you do get the fuck out of there before this shit gets any worse. I don't know how old your daughter is but believe me you sure as hell don't want any sort of "authorities" getting involved in this.

Your dad sounds like a real piece of work. I don't blame you for wanting to move as far away as possible. I had to do that to get away from my family. I never see them now and believe me it's way better like this.
I AGREE! Many years ago I was in a very abusive relationship. This guy was just my boyfriend but h e put me in the hospital for a month and caused me to lose my kids to the effing system for 7 years. Whatever you do get the fuck out of there before this shit gets any worse. I don't know how old your daughter is but believe me you sure as hell don't want any sort of "authorities" getting involved in this.

Your dad sounds like a real piece of work. I don't blame you for wanting to move as far away as possible. I had to do that to get away from my family. I never see them now and believe me it's way better like this.

At times, I feel the same way about certain members of my family.
Agreed. Words can hurt more than punches.

Oh hell yeah! I agree 100%! Physical wounds heal, but those emotional and psychological wounds just hang right in there and even if they scab over some asshole comes along and rips those wounds right back open. I gotta tell ya guys, friends is family you can pick for yourselves...and you have a lot right here at AllDeaf. Blood relatives are some of the biggest pricks a person will ever have to deal with, and they will always inflict the worst pain of anyone else in this world.
(as you can tell, I really don't do the 'happy families' crap) Dixie and Deafskeptic...don't let fear trap you. Believe will cost you way too much.
At times, I feel the same way about certain members of my family.

Hon, I am 42. I stay away from my family. They are poison to me and my life. Always have been. My mother just thought that I just needed to "work things out" with that piece of shit all those years ago. 20 years later, I have been married for 15 of those 20 years to a wonderful man and have stayed most of that 15 years away from my fucking relatives.

Sounds like you and Dixie need to do the same...go far far away...and don't go back.
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If you want to go to Texas let me know. I can probably get you set up with work and I have a condo that has been empty since thanksgiving except for a weekly maid.

This is such an awesome offer! You are very kind...and I hope like hell that Dixie takes it! TAKE IT DIXIE GIRL! I've been to Texas...and I like it. Me hubby and I have talked about eventually moving there ourselves. :D