Thanksgiving feast


New Member
Jun 19, 2007
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It happened in real life, embrassing moment...:giggle:

I was having a huge Thanksgiving feast for my families and close friends. As we all sat down eating our Thanksgiving feast. I was proud to cook for my mother and father as well. My brother sat right in front of me and the table was very, very long (about 24 adults sitting) with families on one side and friends in the other...of course children were in the background in kiddie's table. Meanwhile in the middle of our feast, my brother gobbled up his food so fast and dropped his fork on his plate. *plank* as you could hear so loud even everyone was loud to carry their own I looked up straight at my brother and his plate, and I shake my head and clunked my tongue,
"So bro, you are full huh?"
"Jeeze, yeah I am." He said.
"No wonder you always have small a penis." (I pronouned the word wrong, a penis instead of appendis (SP) without realizing it)
Everyone stopped their conversations bec they heard me loud and clear. My mother was snickering and laughing as hell. My ex husband looked at me, as he even try to avoid to laugh, but his face was totally red. I looked around smiling, flashing my white teeth, acting normal. My brother was staring at me as if he wanted to strangle me, and I did not know why. Then I realized it was getting tense in the room bec my in-laws were like embrassed or what? I wondered. My friends and families were laughing except my in-laws.
"Is something the matter, I was telling him that he had a small penis bec he never finish his plate all his life. Right Billy?"
My ex signed without saying out loud, "Did you know what you just said?"
"Yeah, he had a small penis," I said again out loud without using sign.
He fingerspelled real, real slowly, "Yeah, you said A P-E-N-I-S"
"I did?"
"Yes, you did," He nodded, and to correct me, "It is a-pend-is."
I felt blood rushing up my face, "Oh my Gosh...oh my gosh, oh I am so embrassed. I am so sorry I don't mean to say a penis. I meant appendis."
My mother couldn't stop snickering and laughing over and over, as the in- laws said it was alright and kept telling me it was not my fault that I didn't pronoun the word right. I was so embrassed. Later my mother said something funny,
"I am so proud of you. I love you." And she can't stop snickering and laughing, "Don't feel bad it is not your fault." She turned to look at my brother, "Poor Billy I felt sorry for you." We all laughed.
its accident,restless heart

mostly people and families always happened have words what saying and got laugh so hardly that why and laugh so hardly but sometimes i got laugh so hard at my family for more reasons.
restless heart... you are not only one.... it did happened to me once... my mother-in-law came over... she asked me what i would have for supper... i spoke Tuna Casseroles..... she gave me a strange look..... my hearing husband laughed... told me i spoke wrong .. it sounded like i said asshole... my face turned RED..... my husband explained to her... she understood..
restless heart... you are not only one.... it did happened to me once... my mother-in-law came over... she asked me what i would have for supper... i spoke Tuna Casseroles..... she gave me a strange look..... my hearing husband laughed... told me i spoke wrong .. it sounded like i said asshole... my face turned RED..... my husband explained to her... she understood..

tuna asshole, lmao! :giggle:
Its not your fault bec you didn't know how to pronounce the word. Cute story.