Texas is trying to outlaw Gay foster parenting


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Mar 24, 2004
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The Radical Right is at it again!

Texas House Bill Bars Gay Foster Parents
Similar Law in Arkansas Deemed Unconstitutional


AUSTIN, Texas (April 20) - Texas could become the only state to bar gays from becoming foster parents under legislation passed Wednesday by the House.

The ban is part of a bill to revamp the state's Child Protective Services agency. It passed 135-6 with two abstentions and now heads to the Senate.

"It is our responsibility to make sure that we protect our most vulnerable children, and I don't think we are doing that if we allow a foster parent that is homosexual or bisexual," said Republican Rep. Robert Talton, who introduced the amendment.

If the bill becomes law, Texas would be the only state to prohibit homosexuals and bisexuals from becoming foster parents, according to the American Civil Liberties Union Lesbian and Gay Rights project.

Arkansas had barred gays from becoming foster parents, but a judge said the law was unconstitutional in December.

Under the Texas bill, anyone who applies to be a foster parent or a foster parent whose performance is being evaluated must say whether he or she is homosexual or bisexual. Anyone who answers yes would be barred from serving as a foster parent. If the person is already a foster parent, the child would be removed from the home.

Eva Thibaudeau, a social worker, said she and her partner of eight years have adopted four children and have served as foster parents to 75.

"I am just so hurt and surprised, especially now (when) we are facing an ongoing crisis of not having enough resources to take care of foster children," she said.

The bill follows recent child slayings that occurred after caseworkers investigated suspicions of neglect or abuse and decided the children were safe to remain with their parents.

It would give all of Child Protective Services' foster care and case management duties to private companies, which already manage 75 percent of foster homes in Texas.

04/20/05 13:54 EDT
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Frankly I am getting tired of hearing such news. Even Oregon last week decided that the gay weddings that took place last year are now invalid. Almost 3,000 weddings are now illegal. (in nutshell - The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday nullified nearly 3,000 marriage licenses issued to same-sex couples by Multnomah County a year ago, saying a single county couldn't take such action on its own.)

What is happening nowadays? What prompted such hatred/discrimination NOW?
Its simple. It became popular to mix religion and politics, and a lot of Right Wing Fundamentalists got elected to power in this country, and they are now forcing their beliefs on the rest of us. It's pure madness.

What ever happened to "the best interest of the child/ How how can it be right to bar someone from fostering a child just because that person/couple is gay or bisexual?

I just don't get it. :dizzy:
I guess that Texan politicians don't realize that most of children rape/molestatio/abuse cases lie in 'straight' fosters. Or they don't want to face the reality either way...

Meg said:
Frankly I am getting tired of hearing such news. Even Oregon last week decided that the gay weddings that took place last year are now invalid. Almost 3,000 weddings are now illegal. (in nutshell - The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday nullified nearly 3,000 marriage licenses issued to same-sex couples by Multnomah County a year ago, saying a single county couldn't take such action on its own.)

What is happening nowadays? What prompted such hatred/discrimination NOW?
Ditto. I am quite tired of these discrimination/hatred as much as you are.

[put a tinfoil hat] Maybe they are following up their beloved nazism beliefs to honor Hitler's holy vision. Any more of this, I started to notice the nazism behaviours developing among in Religious Right. [/put a tinfoil hat down]
Magatsu said:
I guess that Texan politicians don't realize that most of children rape/molestatio/abuse cases lie in 'straight' fosters. Or they don't want to face the reality either way...

Ditto. I am quite tired of these discrimination/hatred as much as you are.

[put a tinfoil hat] Maybe they are following up their beloved nazism beliefs to honor Hitler's holy vision. Any more of this, I started to notice the nazism behaviours developing among in Religious Right. [/put a tinfoil hat down]

I agree with you. I was angry as hell about Florida's ban on gay adoptions, but this is worse. At least, gays/lesbians can foster a child in Florida.

good grief! This is :crazy:

Miss*Pinocchio said:
Something must have happened that freak out the Texas people.

I don't know.

You mean the Religious Right, or the fact that they have spent time spouting their reactionary rhetoric to people?
Something must have happened that freak out the Texas people.

Miss P i suggest you fix that part. I think that BS know why? I am from TEXAS and I dont get freak out by gay people. I believe Oceanbreeze is right, IT only the congress of Texas make that law and not the people.

Magatsu I guess that Texan politicians don't realize that most of children rape/molestatio/abuse cases lie in 'straight' fosters. Or they don't want to face the reality either way...

I wonder about that TOO. Not every parent is perfect include gay parents but I am sure that some gay parents can be way better than straight parents. It just depend HOW they raise their children.
Shiva said:
Miss P i suggest you fix that part. I think that BS know why? I am from TEXAS and I dont get freak out by gay people. I believe Oceanbreeze is right, IT only the congress of Texas make that law and not the people.

Well, I also think it's the people. The people are the ones responsible for electing officials to office. So, it is our fault. The only way we are going to fix this kind of nonsense, is if we know who we are voting for, and know what they stand for. You can't just say "Oh well", anymore and blindly go to the polls hoping for the best. Too many people have done that, and this is the mess that we have created for ourselves.

We have a foster care system that is already broken. There's not enough good homes for these kids, and they are trying to reduce that pool even more.

This is just sick and we shouldn't stand for it!
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if they would have just accepted civil unions...
and calm down and stop rubbing their rights on everyone...
especially the religious folks...

then they wouldn't have hard times....

Need to leave the Religious folks alone... they
can be too overpowering...
Miss*Pinocchio said:
if they would have just accepted civil unions...
and calm down and stop rubbing their rights on everyone...
especially the religious folks...

then they wouldn't have hard times....

Need to leave the Religious folks alone... they
can be too overpowering...

huh? :confused:
yeah ocean that true which mean we cant blame bush because most of us vote for HIM....So what the difference of voting for one of politician then ended up blame the government/politicians or blame the people for vote them?
It's saddness me to see another banning bill in another state. I don't think people realized that what important is what the child wants not what they want or what they think. It just digusted me, that they only think of themselves. :(

I am wondering are homosexual are going to keep their sex life a secret now since they are ruining their lives? Since they are taken everything almost everything away from them... *sigh*
i dont talk abt my sex life anyhow in the public. what's more.... my relationship to anyone in any aspect women or men for that matter is no one's business but my own... if they dont like it they can shove it hundred ways to sunday!

as for that situation abt parents barring and etc. thats a damn shame cuz there is TOO many homeless children who needs SO much TLC and thier lives have just been more traumatized nowdays... they want to put the wool over the true reality.. and place blame on the homosexualty which is a sad state of mind those poeple have decided on....... as for bush RME.. he can cough up a furball and choke on it! hes the man thats truly destroying the nation with neo nazism and telling us we must follow the church excuse me dude... check magstus quote and i honor that totally!
"The First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between Church and State. - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) " this is exactly my point thier crossing too much boundries here!
I apology; My fault I didn't explain my post, as in sex life I didn't meant by saying in the bedroom. I meant was instead of people know you are homosexual, some are not afraid to say they are some are just like to keep it between two parties instead of announcing it to everyone like their friends or people they hang out with etc. Or do you care less what others think of you or care less what they are trying to do like banning gay marriage, banning from being a foster parent or banning medical treatments... ;)
Magatsu said:
I guess that Texan politicians don't realize that most of children rape/molestatio/abuse cases lie in 'straight' fosters. Or they don't want to face the reality either way...
Last night, Daily Show's Jon Stewart nailed it better than I do with his exact words:
"So it would be better if they were returned to their abusive natural birth parents".
Magatsu said:
Last night, Daily Show's Jon Stewart nailed it better than I do with his exact words:
Whoa, that's a strong quote! :)
I know a gay couple right here in Austin who are planning to adopt two kids. In fact, he's my realtor. I even went to his house just to look at what his house looked like - it's SO CLEAN and stylish. I told him I like his house and want my home decorated like his. There were lots of pictures of him with his boyfriend and his friends on shelves and walls. He did everything to communicate with me - he was easy to understand.

Now I just heard about this law and that's clearly an attack on him in my view. That is truly mean spirited. I mean, he did a LOT for me - he mowed the grass in my yard (he didn't have to but he insisted), he paid dinner for us, he gave me lots of stuff to know about home ownership, introduced me to people and so forth. And he was RIGHT there waiting for me when I arrived in Austin from Vegas handing me the key to the house to welcome me. To see him being denied to have kids is just wrong, morally and ethically.

It's a mean spirited bill and those who voted for it should be ashamed.
