tell me what you like about gothic?

my ex gf is gothic, she wear black, black nail polish, black lip stick, everything.. not bother me
I am a little Goth myself, because I have mostly worn dark clothes and hi-top "Chuck Taylor All-Star" type converse shoes. Also, I most wore a vampire custome on Halloween annually. I love to play as sucking blood when I wear that costume... I like about goth is dark things.
Reba said:
"Goth" of 1965 (notice, no smile):
Thank you for that gem! :) Stumbled upon this thread, and thanks to people who 'resurrected' it! My, and admittedly, I never knew you that much, and still don't, but I would have never pegged you as a goth rebel back then, terrorizing parents everywhere! :Ohno: You were 'goth' before it became chic; I must congratulate you on being ahead of the curve there! ;)

Thank you for sharing that photo with us, allowing us a brief glimpse into your past. Hopefully you're still smiling nowadays! :lol:
one of my friends in austrialia was at a train station in melbourn (heading to visit reletives, forgot the destination name) he said that people was harassing a gothic guy, and out of nowhere, he pulled out a battle axe and threatened to kill those guys. crazy guy.

(note: andrew was not one of those guys harrasing him)
Eyeth said:
Thank you for that gem! :) Stumbled upon this thread, and thanks to people who 'resurrected' it! My, and admittedly, I never knew you that much, and still don't, but I would have never pegged you as a goth rebel back then, terrorizing parents everywhere! :Ohno: You were 'goth' before it became chic; I must congratulate you on being ahead of the curve there! ;)

Thank you for sharing that photo with us, allowing us a brief glimpse into your past. Hopefully you're still smiling nowadays! :lol:
Oh, yeah! :D
Now I can understand better abt Gothic!

I have a hearing friend at Borders where I work at...she also wearing in black mostly everyday and I think she is gothic but not sure tho.... actually I do not talk with her that much just simple smile friendly which it was not bother me at all but I was not like the way she wearing in black clothes lol but then I now read u guys post here... I finally understand... sorry I am kind of an old fashion lol... truth is that I am not against it at is their own life to whatever they like... for me, I simple can't wear it cuz it make me feeling hot...due to hot flash! So never like that black clothes! I rarely use it once! But I know that it was just simple lifeslyle and it was not big deal cuz they are not threat to any of us anyway! She not only wear in black but also have some pinch in her lips and few other on her body.... groan! :lol: it was okay for her but not on me, no way!! Only earrings... :giggle:

So that was very interesting to know abt this Gothic and like Taylor said which I agree with.....
Goths are very good people for the most part. They tend to be very nice and intelligent. I have some friends who are, I'm engaged to one, and one of them is my favorite cartoon character.

What bothers me the most is when they are viewed as bad people by the mainstream. They aren't bad. They are quite the opposite.