Teenagers Order Takeout at Fatal Crash Site

In my opinion, I think the teens were in shock and were on autopolit when they ordered the food. It seems as if they went through unthreatening motions as if their brains simply removed them mentally from the situation. I have heard of cases where people who were involved in horrifying situations behve in bizzarre ways.
if the parents do find a tdoc who makes such a diagnosis as a means of excusing the teens' behavior, then that therapist is unethical and should lose their license.

besides, who are WE to say whether or not these teens are mentally ill? only a trained tdoc or pdoc can determine that.

if truth be told, i feel the same level of frustration towards people who try to use bipolar as an excuse for uncontrollable anger, rage and/or an inability to deal with life's problems (i.e. "i couldn't control my temper and acted that way because i'm bipolar."). bipolar disorder is a *chemical imbalance* -- not an excuse for bad behavior.

when people truly diagnosed with bipolar have problems with impulse control, judgement and/or anger, it is because they have a chemical imbalance that cannot be helped. in other words, they do not choose to act out on these behaviors.

if these teens had been suffering from ptsd, they would have been unable to move -- let alone order fast food.
In my opinion, I think the teens were in shock and were on autopolit when they ordered the food. It seems as if they went through unthreatening motions as if their brains simply removed them mentally from the situation. I have heard of cases where people who were involved in horrifying situations behve in bizzarre ways.

With that being said, I have heard the same thing too. It's like saying that when one acts really bizarre in a certain situation; They are there in person but they are not exactly aware of their doing. I'm not quite sure how to say this but it's like their mind is actually in another 'dimension', so to speak.
if these teens had been suffering from ptsd, they would have been unable to move -- let alone order fast food.

And, PTSD does not manifest that quickly. The symptoms of PTSD develop over time. One is not instantly struck with PTSD at the time of the trauma.
So can I safely smack both of these knuckleheads on the back of their skulls and not be considered too draconian???
in a state of shock, people tend to do the strangest things.

i have heard of this before and it is possible.

and yes in state of shock you can do some stupid things

but in this case. these teens need a nice date with my belt.;