teenagers online now??


Active Member
Premium Member
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
I really think we should have a deaf teens section of the site. Most other sites like this offer a section for teens.
Seconded. Been observing a lot of the teenage population growing lately. They've been saying they feel out of place reading the rest of our yapyap and blah blah jabber.
I definitely think it would be a good idea to include a thread section for teenagers. Always a good idea to make everyone feel welcome. <smile>
I agree, i feel that more and more teenagers are joining the site and want to feel welcome! They would feel more welcome if there is a teen/youth section!
MEEEEEEEE I'm online!! XD But kinda tired because I've been staying up lately until 2AM lol.

anyways, I do think the Moderators should make a Teenager section in this website. Since there are teen members here on AD we should have one instead of going around trying to figure out what the adults here on AD are talking about since Half of us have no idea what they are talking about.