Teenager from Long Island NY(nassau)


New Member
Mar 3, 2006
Reaction score
hey everyone my name is Krissy and ive recently became deaf this past summer so im trying to adjust well... i'm not that bad with signing but i am not fluent yet.... im trying to meet new people so if anyone is in my area message me i would love to chat sometime!
~Krissy:) :thumb:
G'day Krissy9187,
Welcome to AD. Hop eyou'll find what you came for. Best wishes for your future.
Cheers! :wave:

Welcome To Ad!! Ur A Great Girl. Im Glad I Became Friends Wit U Last Yr!!!! Too Bad We Didnt Talk In H/s But Thats Okay Now Were Good Buddies!!!!! Everything Will Be Okay! I Promise.

See Ya Tomm At College

Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Krissy9187! Looks like you've already met a few of the members here already and there's definitely a great group of people here in AD...also, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD as well! :)
Welcome to AD!! Enjoy your staying!!

I am from LI too. You can PM me anytime u want. ;)
Hello Krissy - I'm an ex Long Islander...Dad still lives in Bayshore. :) I'm not a teenager, though - even though sometimes I look like one...LOVE my grungy pants and oversized shirts! I was born deaf and I wear a CI. My signing isn't too great, but I read lips and speak, so this is my primary means of communicating. :)

Anyway, welcome to the forum, hope your stay is pleasant. I think you're very brave for coming here in hopes of gaining some varied insights on coping with becoming deaf. I wish you all the best of luck - if you'd like to, feel free to send a message my way. I'd be more than happy to chat. :)

Ciao for now!
krissy said:
hey everyone my name is Krissy and ive recently became deaf this past summer so im trying to adjust well... i'm not that bad with signing but i am not fluent yet.... im trying to meet new people so if anyone is in my area message me i would love to chat sometime!

Cheer up, we are like you because we are deaf. It's not the end of the world, Think about PMA. (Positive Mental Attidute - Think positive, not negatively.)

Welcome aboard. :bye:
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf Krissy9187!!! I hope you're enjoying yourself on this forum. Have fun posting,and welcome aboard!!! :wave: