Teenage activities - now and then


New Member
Mar 7, 2006
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Hi all, I am doing some research into provisions for Deaf teenagers and welcome your comments if you are a teenager, or were one once!

Do/Did you live in the middle of the city or out in the sticks? Do/Did you go to a school for Deaf students or one mixed with hearing? Who are/were your friends - Deaf, hearing or both? How do/did these groups mix in your area? Were there a lot of activities and youth clubs for Deaf teenagers? Does/Did there need to be separate groups for this age group. For students who go/went to a school for the Deaf, how does/ did it feel to know you would be leaving the school and entering a world where you may have to work in the hearing world? Do/Did you feel prepared to do this? Who could help you prepare - parents, teachers, youth group leaders, religious leaders?

I would love to hear what everyone has to say about this!