Tarot Cards, Runes, Palmistry, Tea Leaves, Psychics etc.

I've been studying and practicing Tarot for about 2.5 years now. I love it. It's incredibly insightful. There is a lot of misconception and judgments about Tarot. Those that make ignornant judgments about Tarot or any other psychic abilities have never really taken the time to learn what it is all about, never really read and study it.

Actually, there are many people who have, and then rejected it.

By the way, did you win the half-billion dollar lottery recently?

Just don't. It's so much easier to say "Not interested" rather than make judgments that display lack of intelligence.

So it's because of lack of intelligence that I require evidence instead of superstition? :lol:

And I have looked into this stuff before and I was careful to note that the only thing it does is 1) encourage delusion, or 2) tell you what you already knew or should know from common sense and experience.

It sets up a feedback loop with yourself.

The internet is a great source of knowledge and information in depth about any topic. So really take the time to understand what it is all about rather than relying on myths via word of mouth or the distorted media.

Yet the same Internet IS word-of-mouth distributed digitally.

There are many deaf psychics with various abilities and gifts in our groups on Facebook: Deaf Spiritual Network and Deaf Metaphysical Network. If that's your interest, then come visit us and share in a NONJUDGMENTAL environment.

Peace and Love

"We protect your precious superstitions here!"

Hey, that's fine if that floats your boat. That's the only place you'll maintain your echo chamber, though.