Talking Deafies... how often do you talk??

Thats interesting. growing up i used writing to communicate until i was 7 i learned ASL as it where i starts speech therapy. I had speech therapy long time...... i mainly use voice with hearing people. since i was born profound deaf i stil struggle but i have learned to speak a bit although i still have the "deaf accnet" as its said. most dont understand me but i try everyday. It not easy but i like using speech. I mainly use speech as at my job i have use it since being cashier... anything possible ! :)
I talk everyday, ever since my parents put me in speech therapy they could NOT shut me up :giggle: But i use sign with my mom and my deaf friends, boyfriend and interpreter. My boyfriend can talk, but he doesn't talk as much, he signs more than talking.

whenever i don't understand something in a noisy restaurant, i'll just sign to my parents. But really when i'm at home, i'm mainly oral.
Almost never. I'm late deafened, having lost 100% of my hearing last year. While I obviously know how to talk (since I was doing it before I went deaf), I basically choose not to because I hate not knowing what I sound like, and I, like so many other people on this site think that I'm faking it because I (from what I'm told) still speak quite well. So I've basically gone voice off, and rely on pad/paper, texting, and lip reading. It's a deaf adjustment, but it just feels right for me.
Your English teacher was clueless... You probably multitask too. talk on phone and type at same time... I do believe there is a term for never shutting up... Verbal Diarrhea:giggle::giggle: You admitted it, I just gave it a name

Ahh...I cannot communicate on the phone, only VP or TTY....I've been profound, 100% deaf for 51 years, since I was 14 years old.....multiple surgeries also (infections and Cholesteatoma)....

As for having "verbal diarrhea"....nah!...I like my quiet times too.

And why was my English teacher "clueless?"....She was a really sweet and good old lady who was in her late 60's when I was 14 years old!.....she was loved and respected by all at NCSD....we cried when she pased...

Dunno what your "target" is or the reason for it....and if you've got any other names to call me...just send it via need for all this insulting on this Board!...Otherwise, it will be reported (as it should be since this is not the first time)....
Thank You,
I talk everyday.
With friends and family I sign.

I do like both, but prefer signing by far.
Wirelessly posted

I make one exception - I use my voice only when my hearing children need a 'Mum-talk' about life issues that maybe concerning them and they need my advice and/or my hearing husband needs to hear my serious opinion on something. I recognize that my hearing family do have that inner need to hear my voice. Even though I am going 'cold turkey' with being voice-off doesn't mean I'm completely heart-less :)
I don't use my voice that often. The only time I will use my voice is when I talk to some of my family members that doesn't know sign language or whenever I'm not in the mood to write down with a pen or paper whenever I order food off the menu at a restaurant. Otherwise, it's voice off and I feel at ease/natural when I use ASL.
Almost never. I'm late deafened, having lost 100% of my hearing last year. While I obviously know how to talk (since I was doing it before I went deaf), I basically choose not to because I hate not knowing what I sound like, and I, like so many other people on this site think that I'm faking it because I (from what I'm told) still speak quite well. So I've basically gone voice off, and rely on pad/paper, texting, and lip reading. It's a deaf adjustment, but it just feels right for me.

I've found that the voice sounds more normal without wearing hearing aids, so I wouldn't worry about it. But then, I'm a guy and prefer it to sound deeper.
I talk everyday, ever since my parents put me in speech therapy they could NOT shut me up :giggle: But i use sign with my mom and my deaf friends, boyfriend and interpreter. My boyfriend can talk, but he doesn't talk as much, he signs more than talking.

whenever i don't understand something in a noisy restaurant, i'll just sign to my parents. But really when i'm at home, i'm mainly oral.

This is a similar route I take also. If the background noise is reasonable, I talk, otherwise, depending on whether the other knows sign or not, we use various alternatives.