Talk about CATS! :D

awww cute cats!! I have one female kitty, black long haired with white chest.. named Velvet..


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Miss-Delectable said:
Liza, your cats are cute. Leopold looks like a Turkish Van,is he?

Not sure.. either a Turkish or the Norwegian Forest variety! :eek2:
Liza said:
Not sure.. either a Turkish or the Norwegian Forest variety! :eek2:

Well, the Turkish species are supposed to LOVE water -- does he like swimming in water? If so...then he's a Turkish Van....(whatever the third name is :lol:)

I have 3 babies....

I'll try and attach some pictures.I've never done that before.
The first picture is of my youngest. His name is Dannyand he just turned 1. He was born on my grandmother's farm. His mom was hit by a car so grandma and I bottle raised him and his 3 litter mates. Originally my cousins thought he was a girl and named him Anastasia. After I adopted him I changed it from the shortened Annie to Danny. THe picture is of him with one of my ASL teacher's Ann Reifel.

The second picture is of Snowy and Vicky together on the couch. The scan sucks sorry. Snowy is 18 pounds , 38 inches long and 18 inches tall. He's like 3 cats rolled into one. He likes to sleep on my hair. I can't move my head when he does that. He's soon to be 11 I think. Vicky is my only girl she's 5. I gave her to Snowy as his 6th birthday present. They adore each other but hate Danny.

The last picture is of Vicky sitting in the window at my apartment. She's checking out the squirrels.


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nice cats!! how do you keep up with litter boxes ? Its hard work .. I have one and it s enough for me. :D
Pumpkin is my special cat !! She bothered me last night at 2 a.m. to roll over his back to get me attention. She purr alot and rub her head at my chin. She drooled .. I wonder why she is drooling from her mouth... Of course, she is neturated. *perplexed*
Sabrina said:
She drooled .. I wonder why she is drooling from her mouth... Of course, she is neturated. *perplexed*

Hmm, maybe Pumpkin was salivating at the thought of F-O-O-D! :lol:
Miss-Delectable said:
Hmm, maybe Pumpkin was salivating at the thought of F-O-O-D! :lol:

She did eat very good dinner. Rest of the middle of night, she rolled over on her back. I rubbed her tummy but she bited and licked on my hand. she climbed up on me and lick on my face. I pulled her away because I wanted to sleep as I have to get up at 4:30 a.m. in the morning for work.

She loves to have me attention and affectionate. We are very closer each other. She will be 4 yrs old in June 28th.


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Hey Sabrina,
I suspect it's Pumpkin seeking attention. You know how cats are! By the way, your cat is cute!
Miss-Delectable said:
Hey Sabrina,
I suspect it's Pumpkin seeking attention. You know how cats are! By the way, your cat is cute!

I am still curious why did she drool when she roll over on her back on my bed side. I will ask Vet about this. Weird Cat !

I love Pumpkin to death... I could not live without her ! :D I am so spoiled her as my baby.
Sabrina said:
I love Pumpkin to death... I could not live without her ! :D I am so spoiled her as my baby.

Belive me, I understand how you feel! I just adore Samson to death. I can't imagine a life without him.
Why does a cat drool until they are quite wet on their chin

Not just a drool from excitement. Healthy cats don't typically drool (hypersalivate) like some dogs. They will drool however, This behavior in cats is left over from kittenhood, when they kneaded their mother's belly to help the milk flow. Some cats will actually knead and drool when they are petted. The kneading or marching means that the cat is happy.

There are a couple of reasons I can think why a cat would drool. One is that some cats drool when they are being petted...I am not sure exactly why, but it probably has something to do with stimulation of the autonomic nervous system (the bottom line is that drooling means they are very happy!).

Why does my cat knead me?

While the answer is not known for sure, kneading behavior is reminiscent of the kneading a kitten does while they are nursing. It is thought to be a comfort behavior and a sign of contentment. It is often thought that the relationship between owners and their cats is like that between the mother and her kittens.

Why does one of my cats insist that it drink water from the kitchen faucet, when I give them all fresh filtered water every day more than once if needed?

No water bowl will satisfy some cats. Some cats just prefer running water. There are manufacturers that sell pet fountains that constantly recycle water to keep the water fresh for those finicky cats. Some cats are fascinated with running water and may be playing in the water rather than drinking. Regardless of where they drink from, be sure to always provide fresh, clean water.

Why does my cat meow all the time?

Many cats are very vocal and will "talk" to their humans when they speak to them. In other situations cats will meow when they want something such as food, attention, to go outside etc. If you attend to them when they meow they learn that vocalization gets them attention. In other situations a cat will meow when they do not feel well. If you cat is persistently crying and does not want or need anything I would suggest a veterinary examination to rule out any medical problems.

My cat wakes me in the middle of the night constantly crying and wanting my attention or food.

If you get up to play with your cat or feed her, then her crying behavior has been rewarded. Make sure that you have met her social needs for play and activity on a daily basis well before bedtime. Avoid wild play right before bedtime, rather try to spend some quiet petting time so that she will be relaxed and ready to sleep. You might also try feeding her three small meals a day and see if that helps. Finally, you could try a timed feeder bowl that would open and feed her in the middle of the night.
Interesting information Sabrina

You guys have beautiful cats, enjoyed looking at them all. :mrgreen: I have two short-haired cats, too. Love 'em to peices! I don't have a picture here, but I'll post it later when I'm at home.

Few months ago I was at my Aunt's house visiting and her daughter happen to be there with her coon cat. This daughter (my cousin) told me that her cat can say, "Mama!" I looked at her with disbelief then my Aunt said, "It's true!" That's pretty unbelievable. :shock:
I believe Cats and Dogs can talk.. just 1 word.. Some of them can say MAMA, or some of them can say DADA and I heard from some news in the US, that a horse can say "Hey You".. Pretty shocking.. :shock:
Our Cat Talks to use, telling us that it's time for bed and he's hungry.....

Here is "LINUX"


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Ah ha. I finally found my favorite pic of my cats. :thumb: Aren't they adorable?


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Snoopy is in the bag, Pinky is playing with the feather. They're almost 2 years old.


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ChelEler said:
Ah ha. I finally found my favorite pic of my cats. :thumb: Aren't they adorable?

Awwwww, they obviously love to an affectionate each other cats !! I am looking for tiger or orange tabby kitten next week. It will keep Pumpkin a company while we are working two jobs ! :D

I will keep you a posted.