switching from Depo Provera shot to Nuvaring


New Member
Jul 30, 2007
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had anyone done this? I've been on Depo for over 3 years and I'm bit worried about bone density at this point so I want to stop getting shot and switch to nuvaring (my due date for shot is sept 7th) I dont want to have period lol its crippling painful experience so nuvaring to end period or lighten it up. I know I saw lawyer commerical about nuvaring and increased risk of embolism (clot) but I dont have any blood or serious health issue so I should be fine. what I want to know is HOW to switch like wait till I get period back (noooooo please lol) or start day after sept 7th (my shot date) or what?
Skullchick, whenever you are going in between things like this it is always best to consult with your doctor. I would find out before your upcoming appointment to get the shot. Then your doctor can even tell you if nuvaring is best for you. I am currently on the nuvaring and I was on the shot before. I consulted my doctor and I was told to start the ring after my period (sorry lol) I was thinking the same as you, my periods were terrible. BUT I think you will be very happy with nuvaring when you do change over. Hope this helped :)
Just about any contraceptives carries a risk of blood clots. Just wanted to let you know. People above 30 or smokers carry a higher risk.
