Suspect Arrested in Nanny Cam Attack

What's your suggestion?
me? uh.... do the job in a legal manner?

FBI watches what millions of Muslims are doing in America? Isn't that racial profiling?
do you want them to do that?

did you know that Muslim community is an excellent source because they report to government about suspicious terrorist activity? and you know what FBI did? they treat them all like criminals and illegally spy on them. shame...
me? uh.... do the job in a legal manner?

do you want them to do that?

did you know that Muslim Community is the most excellent source because they report to government about suspicious terrorist activity?
See, that's what NSA is for. However, the news reported that terrorists thank Snowden for the leak so they are going to use a different method of communication to plan terror attacks.
See, that's what NSA is for. However, the news reported that terrorists thank Snowden for the leak so they are going to use a different method of communication to plan terror attacks.

Who told you? Feinstein?
See, that's what NSA is for. However, the news reported that terrorists thank Snowden for the leak so they are going to use a different method of communication to plan terror attacks.

but.... it's illegal.....
Don't believe he'll get a bail...or even a life sentence or execution....he'll be out in a couple of years to terrorize somebody else, and betting it will be a woman and children....

sadly you are right......not sure if this site or my tv, on nanny cam baby sitter doing moonie to camera nasty to child,they were arrested
There are plenty of incarcerated people that have nothing better to do than dish out their own form of justice. He won't be a hero to them. I would prefer he stay behind bars, rather than risk him getting loose for an evening of "Friday Night fights."

that is not natural juctice that would bunch of psycopaths having fridaynight fun,natural juctice be between family and law enforcing agency..all his rights taken away NO CONTROL over smallest bits of his life,chemical straight jacket are mind controlling drugs any base feeling he had would be taken away
put into zombi like state same way as mental illness used it but it to cruel now
it is such a horrible experience for the victim. I think the mother should not rebel when someone break into her house and give the money to the man so she will not get hurt all over. So sad !
Also, this may cause huge trauma for the kids. Luckily, the video has recorded this brutal event.