Supreme Court to consider D.C. Handgun Ban

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after i read this some thread , not done yet.. , yea i undy this.. sadly this american is stll mess up.. they cant ban gun at all.. rme! it will keep murder alive around.. it wont rate down in crime report.. look at UK, their crime is very low , due to gun ban! no wonder they are much safer ...

i think usa is more like " driving a wrong way on the wrong road" system..
nah I'm not gonna debate.... i'm already exhausted from epic battles with Liebling. Gonna just sit back and enjoy - maybe pop a couple of comments. Just relaxing on beach!

poweron , that interesting but i dont know how they done with thier research work..

but i do believe that gun banned will reduce murder rate , yes.. but other crime such as rob or kidnapped whatever will stay high.. bec it is not related with gun .. ..whatever what was it..

i know eupro has high on sucide for many reasons.. but in usa , not really high as eurpo! strange!

i do support that gun need to be banned.. i am suprise that uk didnt banned 100% on gun issue.. mmm what happen?:dunno:
poweron , that interesting but i dont know how they done with thier research work..

but i do believe that gun banned will reduce murder rate , yes.. but other crime such as rob or kidnapped whatever will stay high.. bec it is not related with gun .. ..whatever what was it..

i know eupro has high on sucide for many reasons.. but in usa , not really high as eurpo! strange!

i do support that gun need to be banned.. i am suprise that uk didnt banned 100% on gun issue.. mmm what happen?:dunno:

I think it's stupid to compare USA with some tiny countries like Japan and UK. First of all - what they do not have are a huge diversified population like us and a big land. Did you know Japan is proposing even further restriction on knife after that crazy stabbing couple weeks ago?

1. Why don't you compare USA to Switzerland??? It is nearly 100% gun-owned country.
2. I'd like to ask UK and see if they can ban the gun with the land size of USA and its heavily-diversified population.
3. I am extremely mystified by people's logic of "banning the guns will reduce murder crimes." Do they not understand that murder rates are high because of strict gun control? Criminals = illegal guns. Citizens = unable to get guns legally. Conclusion = criminals with ILLEGAL guns kill citizens with no guns. Comprende? :roll:
Dear Gun supporters,

As what you are happy about unbanned guns, then I am happy for you all. :)
Dear Gun supporters,

As what you are happy about unbanned guns, then I am happy for you all. :)

not there yet but it's a good start :cool2: next stop - legalize 100% CCW in all states. My state is 99% impossible to obtain one - I believe only about 22 in NJ have one - no sure about that but yea.
but i do believe that gun banned will reduce murder rate , yes.. but other crime such as rob or kidnapped whatever will stay high.. bec it is not related with gun .. ..whatever what was it..

Honestly, banned guns do not solve anything. I only support gun with high restriction.

i know eupro has high on sucide for many reasons.. but in usa , not really high as eurpo! strange!

No, Japan or China is the highest sucidee commit in the world. I need to check at google later.

i do support that gun need to be banned.. i am suprise that uk didnt banned 100% on gun issue.. mmm what happen?:dunno:

Yes, it was banned before.. Now they unbanned and use guns as high restriction like many Europe countries including Germany.
ban gun will create new criminal such as

illegal gun sell
illegal gun buy from other country
illegal gun homemade
illegal toy gun

also I believe it would become more wacky ban on sword, knife include cookware knife and more ridiculous to ban. Shut up!
nah I'm not gonna debate.... i'm already exhausted from epic battles with Liebling. Gonna just sit back and enjoy - maybe pop a couple of comments. Just relaxing on beach!


awww jiro123 :kiss: Liebling and then :hug:.. Me, too... Yes, we need break and enjoy ourselves for a while... posts for the fun... :D
No it´s not banned. I will explain later because my hubby need a computer right now.

oh hey Liebling - you forgot to elaborate a bit more on this :cool2:
oh hey Liebling - you forgot to elaborate a bit more on this :cool2:

Ooohhh I forget this thread until you remind me here... :giggle: Okay, I am going to answer your question right now.
Did you think that you should just let attackers kill you and your loved ones?

How do I know they want to attack me? How do I know they have weapons or not? Should I fire them straight way and then say it´s self-defense when they did not do something to us yet?

Who trained you to do that? Um, if the attacker shoots first then you are dead and cannot shoot back. What good is that?

Of course - hunting club, police or gun shop... Don´t they train you how to shoot before get liescne?

What good is shooting an attacker's legs? If he has a gun, he can still shoot you. If he is high on meth, he won't feel the leg pain, and will keep coming after you. (That's presuming that you are such a skilled shooter that you can aim and hit two moving legs while under stress.) Do you have that much skill, distance, time, and composure to do all that

Whoever "trained" you to wait and shoot at legs doesn't know much about defensive shooting.

Very interesting... Your post sound "paraniod" to me. It look like that you didn´t get train or are being informed?

You have to do what the attackers want?! If the attackers want to rape, torture, and kill you and your sons you would just say, "OK"?!

:roll: Yes, we have to do what the attackers want. If we won´t do what they wants then we are dead!!!! If you want to remain alive then do what they wants.

Of course you can "hurt" the attackers--that's the whole point. You have to put a bigger hurt quicker on them than they can put on you. That's the only way to stop them.

Yes, I can hurt them if I am stronger enough to defend against him... Perhaps I push him to stairs...???? to hurt or kill them... Never know... or bite or scratch them and run to hide and call the police....

You can't possibly be saying that self-defense is not legal in Germany.

:confused: who says that self-defense is an illegal in Germany? I do not see anything that I say... I only say that we should not shot the intruder when we know that he do not have any weapons with him. We should shoot correct, accident happens...yes... It look intend to me if you shoot an intruder´s head or chest dozen of times... It´s not right self-defense but intend to kill.

How does anyone know how many shots it will take to stop an attacker? It might take several. Not every shot to the head or chest is instantly fatal.

It´s not right self-defense to shot several on him because an intruder did not hurt or tempt kill you. Leave intruder alone if he saw me and then run away panic... and then call the police.

How do you know for sure that an attacker doesn't have a weapon? Or suppose he is twice as big and strong as you--what can you do? A handgun is an equalizer for smaller, weaker people who have to defend themselves from larger, stronger bad guys.

It´s still wrong to shot when you know an intruder do not have weapon. We trained how to do with self-defense... I was trained at self-defense course before...

Training is always a good idea.


How would you know for sure that a stranger in your house doesn't have a weapon? Would you wait until he kills you? Just because an intruder breaks in for food doesn't mean he won't attack you.

Do you kill a stranger with gun that´s because you know he break in your house to steal your foods and do not have weapon?

I was being trained to not panic... Alway have mobile phone with me if any case happened... Emergency was already fix in my mobile phone... If I see intruder in my house then press the mobile phone button... This is a simple.

Jiro123, I will answer your post from other thread over here later.

Liebling - your answers continued to amaze me to no end but there's really no way for me to convince you.. so we'll leave at that :cool2: The best I can suggest for you is to obtain a non-lethal weapon.
Something that I just want to post here.

My three cousins, Josh, Stephanie, and Lisa (Stephanie and Lisa are the twins) were all in the living room. Josh was using the computer to listen the music, Stephanie was sitting on the couch and watching the television, and Lisa was arguing on the phone so Lisa was not really in good mood. Josh decide to turn the music more louder, that make Lisa really angry so she decide to hit Josh's head with the phone, even though the phone was still talking, Lisa have been doing this repeatly fast, hitting on Josh's head so Josh decide to fight back with his fist against Lisa's face, but Lisa was so stubborn and continue to hitting with the phone. Stephanie went in the fight, trying to stop the fight between Lisa and Josh, but due to her outraged in the fight so she kept fighting and won't try to stop the fight. Somehow they have a dog, which are mixed mastiff and german shepard, which are the dangerous and very guard dog, his name was Tucker. Tucker saw what had happened, it made him very angry so he went in the fight and bite Lisa's leg, and Josh's armpit. Lisa and Josh had to go to the hostipal for the surgery where Tucker bite on.

Now I have to ask who had prevented the violence? Here's my list:

Lisa - An attacker, doesn't stop anything.
Josh - An self-defense, but an failure.
Stephanie - An security, but unreliable.

Now finally...

Tucker - Violence preventer and have prevented three people from fighting alone successfully.

So I am targeting where it can stop the violence, not the self-defense nor the attacker/murder.
Liebling - your answers continued to amaze me to no end but there's really no way for me to convince you.. so we'll leave at that :cool2: The best I can suggest for you is to obtain a non-lethal weapon.

Yes I would say the same thing as well. I sometimes think Americans watch too much violent movies?

Yes I can't understand why Americans believe in gun to kill for protect their life which I doesn't. It's really simple is LOCK the house/garage to protect human's life from intruder/attackers. We (many Europeans) believe in security system to protect our life.

We beleive in protect our life is go safety public...

At self-defense class, we were being recommended to use pepperspray to spray intruder/attacker's face to help us to escape out of house...
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