Support marriage amendment

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Well said HelloKittyGal, :thumb:

As I personally do not approve on the ' name calling ' either as I have said that earlier in this thread....I see two sides of each opinion which I respect greatly but however when it comes to a disagreement it gets a bit carried away here....

That may be another reason why I don't post in the Rainbow thread is because sometimes I may say something that may have a few of them jumping or attacking me for whatever opinion I see, also trying so hard to stay away from heaten threads.....

I do love you all but I do feel bad for Reba, since she is only speaking what she sees and what her opinion may be.....
Did u know pedophille is most highest perecent of straight? .
Yes, most pedophilles are straight. Even many who belong to NAMBLA are in actuality straight.
Some women end up to become lesbian cuz of some men treated them very shit
Huh? Now where the fuck did you get that stat? I've never heard that.Virtually ALL lesbians like men....they just aren't sexually attracted to males.
Bedroom and sexuality life are their business, not yours. Not tell me that masturbate is really wrong, too. You are not our God. We love God therefore let God judge on us not you.
Thank you!!!! There's a bit in the Bible you should read says " Judge ye that ye not be judged" I think you should read some pages by GLB Christians about their struggles. Maybe then you won't judge us so harshly!
We feel love for our girl/boyfriends. God is how can love be wrong?
Besides, according to the Bible incest is OK, shrimp is a tool of the devil (there is even a website called " God Hates Shrimp") and wearing mixed fabrics and speaking in church if you're a woman is a sin. Most "Christians" I know don't even bother to really read the Bible but just pick n choose which verses suit them the best! I would bet you anything that you didn't know that Levicticus says that shrimp is evil and that parents can kill their kids for getting into trouble.
bbnt said:
hmmmm, i get the felling that Reba was that idiot that everyone hated in that the forum is closed shes come here with her B.S.
I don't know what deafllore is/was but I've been at AD only a couple months.
HelloKittyGal said:
Reba, no matter what anyone says we are not closed-minded people. They are closed-minded for not respecting our own opinions. Opinions are not right neither are they wrong, so it should be free to express without name calling.
Thank you HelloKittyGal (BTW, I adore your avatar kitty).
kuifje75 said:
Reba, what makes you think that Judith Levitt represents all the gay and lesbian community?
I don't think she represents the whole community but she is an example of one agenda out there. I know that there is great diversity with the homosexual community, including those who do not support same-sex marriage.

Also, you mentioned about "numbers." This is something that Utah is discussing at the moment as well. They are wondering if same-sex marriages are recognised in Utah, it might open the path for recognising polygamous marriages. However, if you define the marriage as a union of two persons only, disregardless of sex, then I think that will eliminate the polygamy question. mean let the government decide who can marry? You mean discriminate against polygamists? How awful! ;)

Here is an interesting data from Massachusetts:
2003-APR: Massachusetts data: By a slim majority, most residents of the state favored allowing same-sex couples to marry.

Item---------------------In favor----Opposed----No answer
All ages and genders--------50%-------44%-------6%
18 to 39--------------------62---------33---------5
40 to 64--------------------53---------42---------5
Over 65---------------------21---------69--------10
A liberal poll result in the state that elects Ted (Chappaquidick) Kennedy and John Kerry--what a surprise!
Although, you may not agree with me, there was same comparison to the attitude towards racial relationships back in the 1960s and 1970s. The younger generation is more tolerant of that than the older generation.
Hmmm...let's calculate. That same youthful tolerant generation of the 60s and 70s, is now the old fogey group that is not tolerant. Same people, just older and wiser? BTW do you have stats for your racial comparison?
kuifje75 said:
It may be illogical to you, because you have never liked a woman. That is fine. However, some people assume that homosexuality is a chosen behaviour which I don't agree with. One just develop an interest in same sex as natural as one would develop in towards opposite sex, there is nothing that can be really done about it.
Even if there is an inborn tendency toward homosexuality, acting upon those desires is still a choice. But that is a whole other topic.
deafdyke said:
Are you one of those people who think that all gay males are members of NAMBLA?
Anyway the slippery slope argument doesn't work....
Can you guarantee that? I don't think so.
....back in the early seventies there was some pretty radical stuff going on.
Many people would say same-sex marriage is still a radical idea.
Second of all, with the exception of some radical Mormons most Western marriage is based on couplehood.
Yes, a couple consisting of one man and one woman.
If you bring up incest....incest is also illegal AND besides a 100% healthy person would not be attracted to someone who was related to them!
Some people would say "a 100% helathy person would not be attracted to someone who is" the same sex.
Most of the people committing incest believe it is natural and right. Would you deny them their rights? Would you let government interfere with their relationships? Hmmm....
Has marriage gone downhill in the Netherlands and Belgium since gay marriage was legalizied there a few years ago?
Has it?
I don't go around having sex with everyone who's female, like an animal or a slut.
I never said that.
God cannot and does not diffrentate between different types of love.
Actually, He does, and the Bible (in its original languages) uses different words (such as phileo and agape) for the various uses of the English words "love" and "charity".
Yet I can't seem to be sexually attracted to men.
That doesn't mean you must have sexual relations with women. Some people can live celibate. God blesses that choice also, if done for the right reasons.
Were you aware that many gay Christans (and there are a LOT) go through agony when they realize that they are GLB?
Yes, and if they are truly Christian and sincerely seek God's help, His grace will get them thru their trials. I am not saying it would be easy, and I certainly don't make light of the challenge. My heart goes out to them.
Did you also know that there are some GLB animals? Matter of fact, San Franciso has a zoo tour every Valintine's Day featuring GLB animals!
So what does that prove? Baboons throw their feces, camels spit, dogs hump people's legs, chimps eat their pals' lice, and vultures eat roadkill. I don't think I would want to copy their behavior or celebrate it, or hold it up as a wonderful example. They are ANIMALS, we are PEOPLE!
Lasza said:

Did you aware AD is most friendly forum for GLBT?
No. I thought it was a diverse forum.
Find other forum with Gay Bashing urself.
I am not "Gay Bashing". I first posted this topic as an option for people who didn't want to support the petition for the anti-amendment. It seemed fair to have one topic for each side of the debate.

Nobody can force them to get married. That's our choice not yours.
Absolutely right. I would never dream of forcing someone to marry, as if I could.
Did u know pedophille is most highest perecent of straight?
No, I haven't seen that stat.
Some women end up to become lesbian cuz of some men treated them very shit.
That is awful, and very sad.
Bedroom and sexuality life are their business, not yours.
Yes, that should be kept private. The marriage ceremony is a public event and the marriage license is a public record.
Not tell me that masturbate is really wrong, too.
Yikes, how did that subject come up! I never said one word about that.
....let God judge on us not you.
I do not judge you or anyone at AD. People here have asked me to justify my position, so I answer, that is all. You and your relationship to God is between you and Him.
Last thing, ur words come out of ur mouth make me feel my heart's cold. Ur energy spread negative over us. Make us piss off and feel diguest. U are frigging narrow mind and cold-hearted!!!
I am sorry that you feel that way. I am only trying to present the other side of a debate. You don't have to agree, and you can sign the other petition. You control your own energy to be either negative or positive.
Oddball said:
I know a few of gay/lesbian people have been committed to each other for years with/ without papers.
So why do they want to get married like straight couples?
Sammy said:
Hi Reba!

I see your opinion in the minority. Welcome to 33%!
Ummm....please reread the poll results.

"A Harris/CNN/Time poll in July 2003 found that 60% of Americans oppose 'homosexual marriage,' while only 33% support it."

60% of Americans oppose (are against) "homosexual marriage." I oppose "homosexual marriage." Therefore, I belong with the 60%.

Only 33% support "homosexual (same-sex) marriage".
deafdyke said:
There's a bit in the Bible you should read says " Judge ye that ye not be judged"
Yes, I am familiar with Matthew 7:1-2 ("Judge not, that ye be not judged...."), and Luke 6:37 ("Judge not, and ye shall not be judged...."). Those verses mean that harsh, condemning judgment of other people is forbidden. Only God can know the heart and give eternal judgments. I am not judging anyone here, only stating what God has said in His Scriptures. None of what I am saying is directed at anyone personally. Only the Holy Spirit can convict hearts.
Maybe then you won't judge us so harshly!
Again, it is not me judging your soul.
Besides, according to the Bible incest is OK...
No, it is not.
...shrimp is a tool of the devil
Are you referring to the Levitical dietary laws about forbidden foods, such as Lev. 11:9-12, that forbids eating "fish" without fins and scales? Since the word "shrimp" is not in the Bible, I guess that's what you mean. If not, please clarify for me. God gave dietary laws in the Old Testament to keep His chosen people, the Jews, clean, healthy and separate from the heathen people of that time.
...wearing mixed fabrics...
Another Levitical law (Lev. 19:19) for the Jews, to keep them separate from the heathen world, and to teach them the symbolism of how truth is weakened when mixed with error, just as the fabric was weakened by mixing wool and linen.
...and speaking in church if you're a woman is a sin.
Are you refering to I Corinthians 14:34-35 (not to speak in "tongues" in the church), and I Timothy 2:11-12 (teaching doctrine to men in church)?
I would bet you anything that you didn't know that Levicticus says that shrimp is evil ...
Again, the word "shrimp" is not in the Bible, so you will have to be more specific about what you mean. I assume you are referring to the dietary law against eating shellfish but I could be wrong.
...and that parents can kill their kids for getting into trouble.
Do you mean Deuteronomy 21:18-21? You should read the entire passage more carefully. It refers to a grown son (not daughter), not "kids", and it was for a lot more than "getting in trouble". Also, the parents are commanded to bring the man to the elders (judges) of the city for lawful process. There is no case on record in which a person was ever put to death under this law. It was a very strong deterrent.
Warning: Long post.

Well, I am not gay or homosexual but I would vote against Federal Marriage Amendment, it is ridiculous and nonsense.. but again, what do you expect from a president like Bush? It means that we can do something about Bush when Nov comes up.. you have the power to change that by voting.. in other words, if you didn't vote then you cannot complain about his retarded presidential skill.

Anyway back to the topic..

To be honesty with you, I would be say "eww" if I am go for men instead of women because of my feelings therefore I can understand about lesbians, gays, bisexuals, list goin on... and their feelings toward their non-opposite sex/opposite sex lovers or will-be-lovers. With that "Federal Marriage Amendment", it is just like having them to tell us how we should feel and what we should feel... therefore it goes against my belief.

About stats.. sorry everyone but I have to speak up about stats so please don't offend by my sayings.

The stats that you people mentioned in this topic represents nothing but false datas and security. Allow me explain what I mean by that statement. Not all people in 50 or 51 states if you are considering D.C. as a state.. have same opinions about different issues. For example, people in San Francisco have strong feelings against chemical-laced farming or non-organic foods yet idiotic red-necked people in other states (refuse to mention which states) encourage the chemical farming system and don't give any damn how much it will affect their life. So if researchers get the red-necked people in other states, not California or San Francisco together to make the poll out of their opinions about health issues.. will that data be a ethic or offical stats about organic farming or Health issue? Do you see the point that I am trying to make?

Another example, I am not saying that all americans are but most americans are very senitive about being nude in public.. yet Swedishs or other countries welcome the idea and walked nude proudly in certain public places. They strongly believe in making love and bonded relationship (one of many reasons why they have very, very low divorce rating compare to America, I can explain more about that but it will be offtopic but you can see the point I am trying to make). If they interview Swedishs-America citizen in America to make the stats, which the data do you think that will represents the stats?

In other words, these stats does NOT represents ANYTHING. Another perfect example:

deafdyke said:
Yes, most pedophilles are straight. Even many who belong to NAMBLA are in actuality straight.
Some stats dictates that most non-straight people are pedophilles (cannot remember where the sources are but I do remember that it was posted on the wall in mall-library). I personally think that is false information (most pedophilles are straight) as well but I don't care because I know I am straight yet I am not pedophilles therefore the stats or whatever source that is failed and nonsense. I am AWARE of "most" word but straight people I know aren't pedophilles therefore I don't believe in that nonsense statement. My point is: everyone can be pedophilles, murderer, wife-beater/husband-beater, gold-digger, etc etc.. but it is OUR choice to not do these immoral activities, not our certain "feelings" nor our gender. Note: deafdyke, sorry if I use your statement as example but that is just perfect example that I saw the stats on the wall. I hope I didn't offend you.

Remember that people included scientists & researchers can lie about the datas, their feelings, etc etc.. therefore most, if not all stats are false.

I have other comment that I would like to discuss about God issue but last thing I want to do is having this debate with you, Reba :P It is clear that you and I have our own difference on this matter. I am all for anti-Federal Marriage Amendment but if it has ever come to pass, I will move to Sweden or Denmark and enjoy the richness in life with a woman where people hold in highest respect for relationship and sex or making love.


P.S. Simple solution to all problems: If you are happy with your feelings or choice you made or plan to make then DO IT man... but of course as long as it is within ethic, moral and common sense border. No one can tell you when, how, why and how you can be happy.. only you and yourself so screw others and be happy with choices you made or will make in your life ;)
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Reba said:
So why do they want to get married like straight couples?

Because their rights to get married are denied.
Oddball said:
Because their rights to get married are denied.

Not just that, but 1,049 benefits are denied to same-sex couples just because their relationship isn't recognised by the government.

Imagine a same-sex couple living together for many years, then one dies. The house is owned by the late partner, and the state takes it away from the living partner, just because their couple is not recognised by the law? Is that fair?

Also, if one of the couple goes to hospital, usually they let family only. Some hospital will refuse to let the other partner to visit, just because they are not recognised as family by the government.

Same sex couples cannot file for joint tax returns and so on on federal level.

Read here for more reasons:
These benefits are denied to same-sex couples. I think it's pretty sad.
Reba said:
Even if there is an inborn tendency toward homosexuality, acting upon those desires is still a choice. But that is a whole other topic.

Then it was your "CHOICE" to be heterosexual, right?
Reba said: mean let the government decide who can marry? You mean discriminate against polygamists? How awful!

Frankly, I don't care if the polygamists have the right to marry or not. They still do it anyway here in Utah and few other states, despite the anti-polygamy laws.
Lol, the Marriage Amendment is DEAD.
Why are we still whipping that dead horse?
It's not exactly dead, I think they basically are putting it off until after the elections.
Beowulf said:
Lol, the Marriage Amendment is DEAD.
Why are we still whipping that dead horse?
As what said: It appears dead but not offical therefore it ISN'T dead yet :P
So we'll just wait till it starts smelling like Bush and we KNOW it is dead, then.
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