Support for Deaf Ed at MSU


New Member
Jul 27, 2008
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We had a pretty good turnout on Friday but are still working on fighting the decision. We are attending a Board of Trustees meeting this Friday to talk to the administration, and the Michigan Dept. of Education has put out a memo/resolution to urge MSU to reconsider closing this program - so we are remaining optimistic. There are a few videos up on facebook now from the speakers and I'll post a link to my flickr account with some photos from the rally. I'm also attaching a link to a blog with the memo from the Mich. Dept. of Ed as well. If you have any questions to our progress or information about whats happening on campus - feel free to ask :) We really appreciate all of the support we've gotten from the community - and nation really! Thank you!!!

MSU Deaf Ed Rally - a set on Flickr

MI SBE Asks MSU To Reconsider The Deaf Edge
Thanks!!! I guess the SBE has revised the resolution though when I read through it I couldn't see much that was different.. I think they are just telling MSU that if they stop the program then they will have to work with the State Board of Ed to come up with ways to ensure proper preparation of Deaf Ed. Teachers
and the crappy thing is I bet the sports department isn't having any budget cutbacks. Now I am a huge football fan, but a college's primary goal is EDUCATION.
and the crappy thing is I bet the sports department isn't having any budget cutbacks. Now I am a huge football fan, but a college's primary goal is EDUCATION.

Sports get priority because they bring money to fund the education.
Oh wow! I will check the links out!