Super excited to be learning ASL!


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Im actually not quite sure if I will get in the class because I signed up a bit late and there's a waiting list, but the person at the office told me if I showed up on the first day and got the registration sheet signed again I'd be able to.~

But anyways yeah, I'm super super super excited, I have wanted to learn sign language since I was in sixth grade- that was four years ago! I've tried to learn some myself, but I'm afraid of teaching myself it with bad grammar and not being able to un-teach myself :giggle: and not all the signs are on the internet anywho.

Anyone got any tips? :D

Also feel free to ask anything- I will be sure to reply!
It is always better to go into the ASL class with the Deaf instructor including learning about Deaf Culture. You will be able to practice ASL with other students.

Online ASL, you can practice, too, but you need to learn in ASL class. So go for it. :D