Sudden Hearing Loss (SHL)


New Member
May 4, 2006
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Hi everyone, I have a question to you all. I am curious to know if stress can factor into sudden hearing loss. I know that there are a lot of factors that can cause a sudden hearing loss (30DB hearing reduction). I have severe hearing loss on both of my ears (though my left ear is total deafness). Few years ago, I lost my hearing rather suddenly on my good right ear and the doctors couldn't quite figure out the reasons behind the sudden hearing loss. In my opinion, it was similar to autoimmune system disease, but who knows. It was to the point where I couldn't hear lectures in school despite my new digital hearing aid at the time!

I took steriods, but nothing had changed...until I took Chinese herbal medicine and I noticed that my hearing started to come back, not to way it was before SHL. My hearing had stabilized...but lately I am little bit worried that it is starting to happen again where my hearing on my right ear is destabilizing. I'm stressed right now because of the last quarter's schoolworks..I plan to talk to my audiologist next week.

Sorry for the long post, but just want to see if anyone here have been or is in the same situation as me.