Subway Jared Fogle to guilty on child porn charges

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Jarad Fogle was nothing but a "fattie"...who lost weight after eating Subway sandwiches daily....:giggle:...Hell, I went into Subway one day (I do love 'em) and told the lady behind the glass..."I've eaten Subway for years and haven' lost a pound!"....She knew I was poking fun at Fogle...

Most likely, he couldn't get any sex when he was lost out on his young years....Subway paid him a lot of $$ to advertise their he became rich....guessing too, his ego was so big, he thought he could get away with what he did....even tho' he was married and had kids.....

Guessing too....he'll lose a lot more weight when those 10-inchers get ahold of him....:giggle:...maybe even the 12-inches or 14-inchers will get a go at it too....

I see famous enough for being fattie,I wonder if he got freebie from subway
Your the one posting your fantasies of a fat guy (fogle) gwtting ass raped...
My questiion is,
Why share such things.....?

:wave:...never posted it as 1 of my fantasies....and NO...I wasn't the only 1 who said he'd most likely get a 10-incher.....besides (and most likely) it won't be a'll be a Fact.
:wave:...never posted it as 1 of my fantasies....and NO...I wasn't the only 1 who said he'd most likely get a 10-incher.....besides (and most likely) it won't be a'll be a Fact.

Well youve done allot longer stretches then me, so i bow to your expertise regarding the facts you claim, such as those who have sex with hired 16 year old working girls. And every cons moral outrage as to having sex with working girls of 16 or older.

I think we should stop here and move on now.
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