Stupid Question/Stupid Answer Game!

cuz they are training to work as drug sniffing dogs.

how many eggs are in a dozen?
Because Monday is Garfield's birthday.

Why do we have animals?
Because their shit are builded up and need to get it out, Damn do I smell eggs and bacon in here? See what I mean. :giggle:

Why do we have parents?
So there will be a reason to go to hometown buffet. :D

Why do some people stink?
because they don't always wash their privates.

why do we have pubic hair?
so to keep our privates warm and cozy before the prepartion for sex. :D

why can't we walk on all four like most animals?
Because we don't need our ass bigger than it is already. :D

Why do women have breasts?
Damn Heath, You beat me but you forgot to add a question. :slap:

Why do women shave their armpits when men don't have to?
so man can looks like a hairy monkey...

Why do birds sing when we already have radios ?....