

New Member
Mar 19, 2008
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I spent the last few years with a guy (who was the best person ever-- but changed)... a few weeks into dating told me 'hearing aids are ugly'

... that was just mean. Guess it was good I didn't wear them around him, 'cause it meant I was never really listening.
I spent the last few years with a guy (who was the best person ever-- but changed)... a few weeks into dating told me 'hearing aids are ugly'

... that was just mean. Guess it was good I didn't wear them around him, 'cause it meant I was never really listening.

I would tell straight, "what is bothering him about that". what a heck!
My bf is a hard of hearing, wearing both of hearing aids all the times that does not bother me at all.
I spent the last few years with a guy (who was the best person ever-- but changed)... a few weeks into dating told me 'hearing aids are ugly'

... that was just mean. Guess it was good I didn't wear them around him, 'cause it meant I was never really listening.

You're right. It was stupid and prejudiced and mean. I spent a little time with a gal like that, only she never changed.
Someone who is so concerned with the appeal of the eyes doesn't deserve the wonderful person beneath the skin.
I spent the last few years with a guy (who was the best person ever-- but changed)... a few weeks into dating told me 'hearing aids are ugly'

... that was just mean. Guess it was good I didn't wear them around him, 'cause it meant I was never really listening.

Jerks are ugly.
yeah I was seeing a guy but in end he went back to his ex girlfriend cuz I can't talk?!?!? blah... too bad he doesn't know me that well ;) anyways... hope you find good person who wud not prejudice you at all :)