Stupid ears


Mar 12, 2012
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You know.. I'm ok with the fact that one of my ears is broken. I'm ok with the fact that the other one isn't quite normal anymore either and could likely get worse. That's fine. It's life and I adapt.

I'm tired of my ears hurting. I'm 32 years old. As far as I can remember I spend the majority of the time with my ears infected. I take medicine and they clear up then they start to hurt a month later. It's gotten to the point where I don't even go to the doctor anymore.. nothing helps. They can't figure out why they do that (my bad ear gets worse than my "good" ear). They just say it's a middle ear infection, give me medicine, tell me to go on a diet, and take my money.

My ears hurt! My ear canal is swollen and leaking, my ears hurt down into my neck, my ear drums hurt, every time I sneeze it feels like my ear drums get air trapped behind them and I have to wait a few hours till that stops. When I swallow or do the flex to make my ears pop thing... my boyfriend can hear it crunch/crackling. I can't afford the doctor. I don't have insurance. This is something I have to get over like every other illness I get.

I'm not sure what this helps.. I'm just tired of it.
I know its prolly not the best idea you'd like but does your city offer any kind of low-income health insurance (aka county insurance/medicare)? I would strongly look into that. You shouldn't be hurting so much :-( I hope you feel better soon!
Wish I knew..........Ugh.....Overall its good that dhh stuff isn't accompanied by pain...but when there's ear infections and other pain.....ugh!!! (((( )))) for you!
I know this sounds odd - but consider saving up for and getting a complete allergy test done. I know a lot of people who have chronic ear and or sinus infections and found out it was actually an allergy.

They stopped eating what they were allergic to - no more infections !
I am surprised you never got permanent tubes put in your ear drums to reduce pressure and infection rate. I would seriously say consider doing that
That's really I suffered with ear infections since I was a little girl.

Hope you are not getting any water in ur ears...use cotton balls swabbed with Vaseline inserted in both ears whenever you wash ur hair and shower....

After 4 surgeries, I haven't had any infection for almost 2 years now...good doctor!...But you need to see a good doctor soon as possible....chronic infection(s) can lead to diseases of the ear, as I had (Cholesteatoma) and could possibly cause some brain damage.....
Oh well that explains a lot! :giggle::giggle::laugh2: Doh! :slap:

:giggle:....guessing we're in a good mood tonight, huh?....back on topic...ear infections are painful and need to be treated soon as possible....Perhaps the OP could go to the ER...and the physician would recommend a good doctor and perhaps be able to make arrangements for the payment....??....

Has the OP applied for Medicaid?...and in my city...if you've no insurance, you are eligible to apply for a Hospital card...(a friend has done this)...
I"m sorry you are going through this. I wish I had a solution, but I don't have the same problem. I'll look into it.
Thanks for the encouragement.. I was so frustrated. I haven't been able to wear my hearing aid in weeks because my ear molds won't go in since my ears are swollen. I'm fine with that at home.. I don't like hearing the house sounds (air conditioner, heater, washer, dryer, refrigerator, traffic outside, etc). I feel really out of my element and pulled apart from the world when I go outside without it though. So it was a bit of a /flailing around moment.

I was supposed to get tubes, I had the blood tests done at the hospital for the procedure. Like everything else about my ears, my parents didn't follow through.

I think I will start looking at community health type services next week and see what I can come up with also, an allergy test likely would help tons..

I have earplugs that I will start wearing more often when I shower.. they are the waxy kind that form a seal. Any type of water in them starts the problem all over so that might help as well.

Thank you!
Thanks for the encouragement.. I was so frustrated. I haven't been able to wear my hearing aid in weeks because my ear molds won't go in since my ears are swollen. I'm fine with that at home.. I don't like hearing the house sounds (air conditioner, heater, washer, dryer, refrigerator, traffic outside, etc). I feel really out of my element and pulled apart from the world when I go outside without it though. So it was a bit of a /flailing around moment.

I was supposed to get tubes, I had the blood tests done at the hospital for the procedure. Like everything else about my ears, my parents didn't follow through.

I think I will start looking at community health type services next week and see what I can come up with also, an allergy test likely would help tons..

I have earplugs that I will start wearing more often when I shower.. they are the waxy kind that form a seal. Any type of water in them starts the problem all over so that might help as well.

Thank you!

As for the waxy ear ear specialist told me..."NO!"...water can still get into the ears....Vaseline will prevent it and it works excellent for me....I don't go swimming or get any water into my ears....and like you, I suffered for so long with those infections.....A cotton ball, swabbed with Vaseline and inserted into the ear works best....and are disposable....and you can gently swab out the Vaseline residue in the ear with a tissue or wash cloth.

Sure hope things get beter for you real soon....take care of ur ears.
I remember swimming as a child and never had this issue. My sympathies..... As an adult I can remember having my first (and thank God only) ear infection. It pushed the ear mold right out...I never realized that was possible. They're absolutely painful...I hope you're able to get permanent relief soon!
