Strongest OTC Sleeping Pill ?

Nyquil does not cut it for me, Theraflu med does the trick but it is really for cold and cough meds and I am not going to take that for the wrong reasons and if I got the cold and the flu for real then my body probably would have high tolerance to it and it won't do me any good so it is best to not take wrong meds. for the wrong reasons besides people have been arrested while driving on Nyquil and it does register on the breathylzer. I do not want a DUI. They are very expensive and not worth the trouble to have a DUI.

No, Nyquil isn't related with beers but that's meds. :rofl:

It don't charge with DUI for Nyquil.
Heath, do you have night time panic attacks? Is that why you cannot sleep?

In that case, Zoloft would help you out there. There are no "side effects" unless you don't really need it.

A deaf person's life is not an easy one, and if medication helps you deal with life, then so be it. But NOT OTC.

Do it right, or not at all.

Do you see any warning red flags from the big medical companies ?

Common Questions About Zoloft

Cant you go see your doctor for help???

No aumont of doctor visits or any medication is going to ever help me completely forget and erase that day and it only gets less with time but still very vivid. That is all I can say about it.
No aumont of doctor visits or any medication is going to ever help me completely forget and erase that day and it only gets less with time but still very vivid. That is all I can say about it.

What happened with praying? I havent seen anyone suggest that you pray? I often pray myself into sleep if tormented by painful memories etc. Remember that if you surrender all to God, He will take it away at least for the night so you can sleep well.

Try that...
This may sound very strange coming from me, but I think Meg might be on to something here.
What happened with praying? I havent seen anyone suggest that you pray? I often pray myself into sleep if tormented by painful memories etc. Remember that if you surrender all to God, He will take it away at least for the night so you can sleep well.

Try that...

Yes KJV Holy Bible Psalm Chapter 1 and Chapter 3, I think or Chapter 4
No aumont of doctor visits or any medication is going to ever help me completely forget and erase that day and it only gets less with time but still very vivid. That is all I can say about it.

I am begining to understand I guess " That Day" Is too personal to talk over with strangers. Have you tried hypnosis?
I use the same thing every once in a great while. Though it doesn't always give me a decent night's sleep, then again I only take 5 or 6 300 microgram tabs which is barely anything compared to a miligram whereas I was suggested to take 6 mgs...

I take 3 milligrams and sleep like a baby. The best thing is, I wake up full of energy AND no after-effects (grogginess, headache etc) like som sleeping pills can cause.
No aumont of doctor visits or any medication is going to ever help me completely forget and erase that day and it only gets less with time but still very vivid. That is all I can say about it.

Erasing one's memories is in essence destroying who you are. Each mistake and memory of sorrow or joy is a map-road of our personality.

For an instance instead of looking at it so negatively as a painful memory -- Look at it as a part of you that leads to better things. Without pain one cannot know true happiness. Those who have been greatly hurt are often more humble and find joy in more simpler things in life. They apperecaite more and know the value of certian things such as love, hold to not abuse it as well as trust.

For those who lived under abusive parents, the instant counter-reaction (while it IS a painful memory and does mess with you alot) it could make you strive to be the best mother or father. Of course, it also depends on HOW you look at it. Some people avoid relationships solely thinking that the outcome would ultimately result in them ending up in dovorce cause they don't have a frim belief that love exists. A strong mind that can see things from every side can turn the worst memories of pain into.. eh lets say a garden of flowers for the sake of argument. :P

Then again it's not really my place to tell people how to deal or what to do with their own memories. Although I do like trying to let them see things from a different prespective.

I wonder if a spotless mind is truly "sunshine" or equal on terms of what purgatory would be :|

RE: Neecy

I'd up the doseage but seeing tons of pills strike a fear in you that make you think to not to even if it's micrograms a mistake would be fatal. I suppose I should buy a new bottle and this time pay attention to the dosage now that I know MCG isn't MG.
Suggest to drink strongest cuba coffee that will burn you out and fall asleep quick!
Suggest to drink strongest cuba coffee that will burn you out and fall asleep quick!

Actually, Cuban coffee does the exact opposite! At least, to me!

It wires the hell out of me.

I REALLY wouldn't recommend it! But, tryer beware!

Suggest to drink strongest cuba coffee that will burn you out and fall asleep quick!

Really? It works on you? It never work on me... I can´t sleep if I drink coffee... The lavendar tea is the one who helps me to sleep well.
Really? It works on you? It never work on me... I can´t sleep if I drink coffee... The lavendar tea is the one who helps me to sleep well.

It did to me few times My good friend from Florida he moved there few years ago and gave me to try. It tastes so STRONG!!!!! The energy is short and will burn you out! The moment you will feel drowny! It's like reversible energy burst in short time. It is not good for work.
I had trouble sleeping since the beginning of the year until last month I could not sleep for 3 straight weeks. The benedryl didn't even help me anymore! It was so awful so I had to see the doctor to get help. She gave me Ambien (expensive sleeping pill), but my insurnace would only cover 10 pills a month. I've only used 10 pills in 30 days. I will say that Ambien is the best thing I ever took because I was out like a light within 10 minutes and slept for 8 hours straight. My mood definitely has improved a lot now. I'd rather not continue taking these pills because I know they can be really addictive. So, I started drinking PMS tea and it does help me sleep.
I had trouble sleeping since the beginning of the year until last month I could not sleep for 3 straight weeks. The benedryl didn't even help me anymore! It was so awful so I had to see the doctor to get help. She gave me Ambien (expensive sleeping pill), but my insurnace would only cover 10 pills a month. I've only used 10 pills in 30 days. I will say that Ambien is the best thing I ever took because I was out like a light within 10 minutes and slept for 8 hours straight. My mood definitely has improved a lot now. I'd rather not continue taking these pills because I know they can be really addictive. So, I started drinking PMS tea and it does help me sleep.

Ambien is a really good prescription sleep aid, but it IS very addictive. Please be careful with it.

I took it last year when I was in the hospital. Was on it for about a month. Soon as I came home, though, the insurance wouldn't pay for it, so I came off it. Was fine by me. I didn't like it. It helped me sleep, but it also screwed with my memory. Basically, my short term memory was shot! But, I was also on narcotics for pain relief, so I'm sure that had an effect too.
Heath, Alkaseltzer makes a sleep aid called "alkaseltzer PM". I've been taking it for years. Take it about an hour before bedtime. At 1 hour, you start to feel groggy. If you stay up past then, you kind of maintain that level of grogginess. At 2 hours, you damn near fall over. You sleep soundly. The next morning, you are a little groggy when you first wake up. By the time you climb into the shower, you are fine.
As I said, I've been taking it for years. I have trouble being able to unwind after work. When working 3pm-11pm, if I don't take anything, I would be awake until 4-5 am every night. So, I take the alkaseltzer and all is fine.
I cannot recommend it enough.
I had trouble sleeping since the beginning of the year until last month I could not sleep for 3 straight weeks. The benedryl didn't even help me anymore! It was so awful so I had to see the doctor to get help. She gave me Ambien (expensive sleeping pill), but my insurnace would only cover 10 pills a month. I've only used 10 pills in 30 days. I will say that Ambien is the best thing I ever took because I was out like a light within 10 minutes and slept for 8 hours straight. My mood definitely has improved a lot now. I'd rather not continue taking these pills because I know they can be really addictive. So, I started drinking PMS tea and it does help me sleep.

Can you care to explain me what "PMS" tea is? Is it an abbrevation word for PMS?

True, I am agree with you that it could be addictive if you continue to take sleeping pill.

I drink Bigelow Sweet dreams which is a herbal tea with chamomile and hibiscus flowers. It relaxes me so much that I pass out within 20 min of drinking the stuff.. It has no caffine and really works. I'd suggest drinking it at least an hour before your bed time...

Or Jasmine green tea, from Bigelow as well. both have been my nighttime saviours.

Just a suggestion. I'd drink them with hot water and milk.