Stringing Together Stories


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Jan 26, 2008
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Stringing Together Stories
Stringing Together Stories

Stringing Together Stories is a project that was born from a series of seedling ideas . The ideas melded together to become what they are now, a multi-medium, resistance through art, education, activism, and community awareness "thing".

It is a multi-part project involving theater, fiber arts, writing, and music with a goal to incite dialogue and community awareness in marginalized communities.

We want to collect stories from people who have experienced violence, whether directly or indirectly. All submissions are anonymous an no identifying information will be used in any public use of the submissions. Stories will be submitted on a website. More information about this can be found on the blog (link is below)

We will be collecting knit or crocheted squares from people who have experienced violence and creating a series of blankets, which will be displayed in an art show alongside the monologues.

There will be donation boxes in communities across Ontario, and possibly beyond that. People can submit squares to the donation boxes, with the only requirements being that the squares are 4"x4", 4"x8", or 8"x8". They can be knit, crocheted, or even quilted. The yarn or material is up the creator. They can be solid with something embroidered, a "granny square" or simply a solid square. Every donation will be used.

The culminating product will be displayed in roughly a years time. We will display the blankets and have performances of the monologues.

Now for the best part - how YOU can help!

- If you would like to create a square for the blankets, you will be able to donate it (or them) to a community based drop box in a series of locations that are still being determined, the list can be found on the blog.

- If you have a group that would like to create a blanket on your own and submit it please email

- If you would like to submit your story to be part of the project, there will be an anonymous website to do so that will not identify you in any way. More information to be found on the blog

- If you want to have a donation box for you workplace, agency, school, etc. please email

- If you would like to volunteer in putting together the blankets please email

-If you have donations of yarn, food for the final events, space for meetings or rehearsals, printing for promotional materials, or if you would like to help establish donation boxes in your community please email

'Stringing Together Stories' is a community based arts project designed to create dialogue and community education around issues of violence. The focus is on creating bridges across communities and starting critical conversations about violence in marginalized groups. We will do this through sharing our stories through a number of mediums in a way that is respectful and thought provoking.