Stolen baby Jesus replaced with pig's head

I don't either nor do I condone it but I just find it funny :giggle:

Did you stop to think the poor pig may had been alive when it head was chopped off?? If a person is sick enough to do this who know what else they're capable of going ... Will it be someone dog's head the next time ???
Hey if it wasn't for the pig we wouldn't be eating bacon for breakfast
It's just as bad as the people who deface synagogues with Nazi symbols.
It's sad when people find humor in this as opposed to seeing it for what it actually is - which is offensive and disrespectful. An attack on one religious group is really an attack on all....

It's sad when people find humor in this as opposed to seeing it for what it actually is - which is offensive and disrespectful. An attack on one religious group is really an attack on all....


And the cops are looking into this to see if it's a hate crime , I felt it was as soon as I saw it on the news . How true this is an attack on all religious groups.
Serial killer in the making?
Serial killer in the making?

This type of thing is almost a given every year - the yearly desecration of Jewish cemeteries around the holy days of the Jewish calendar and the yearly desecration of the Christmas manger and other holy images around Easter. I believe the way the government downplays the role of faith is a contributing factor - it reduces the role of religion in people's lives and those with no respect for others feel brave about doing something so cowardly and not being caught....and they rarely are....