

New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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there are some stereotypes - I have had SO many people think I am either a "lipstick lesbian" or a bi-sexual cuz of the way I act and talk.. But all the girls know that I am straight - i talk about guys waaaaay too much..........I hate how people stereotypes - I have seen some gay men that look like football players, dress casual and you can not tell the person is gay......tsk tsk on the stereotypes - please tell me what you think, your story of this happening, etc.
Well, I find it was funny. It happened to me two years ago. My two lesbian interpreters (one is obviously lesbian and other does not look lesbian at all). They asked me if I am lesbian because of I was acting like one, my clothes, etc. I politely said no. They were :shock: LOL I thought it was funny.
I know how you feel. I've had a faulty "gaydar" from time to time. I've met guys who were gay and I didn't even know it until he started talking about guys around me. The same goes for lesbians. I met one gal who seemed to act like a lesbian but she wasn't. She had short hair and acted very tomboyish. She would be flirty with other gals whenever we partied. Later, I found out that she flirts with everyone, not just girls. She is to gals like guys are to grabbing other guys' asses... as a joke. With the increasing recognition of gays/lesbians, it is becoming harder nowadays for our "gaydars". Some homophobics depend on stereotyping and get freaked out by misinterpreted actions by straights.
ah yeah, to this day, when i go out, nobody can tell i'm bisexual, which is kind of an advantage on my part- i like the shock value. :-D
My friends don't instantly suspect until I tell them that I am gay. I don't dress up in steretypically gay outfits and act feminine. In my past jobs, I had to tell guys that I were gay because they were talking too much about girls and fucking them. They got surprised and then were ok with it afterwards.

Once, I had to tell a girl that I was gay because I suspected that she liked me to a point where she wanted to go out with me. She was surprised but at the same time she did not seem to believe me. She kept on talking with me and spending some time with me, until finally after a while she realised I wasn't kidding at all. Now we are still friends though.
i experience it all of the time due to the way i dress- im a tomboy and the reason i dont keep my hair short is because of the "lesbian" label :o
While I lived in Los Angeles - I remember mistakenly thinking 2 guys I had liked --were straight, but turned out they were gay...and I was disappointed, oh well! ;) There were quite a number of gay men that I took a liking to...was almost always disappointed that gay men mainly were the better types of men. You know what I mean? :)