Stephen King novels


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Oct 31, 2007
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Just finished reading Duma Key, Stephen King’s latest novel. I’ve read them all since spellbound with Carrie in ‘74.

Duma Key, set on an imaginary island off the coast of southern Florida, may be one of SK's best. It has the usual attention to mundane detail building on detail that many critics find boring, but fascinates King fans. They know that the poor average schmuck or schmuckess being dumped on by friends, family, and fate will soon turn a corner into horror from which he or she can never retreat.

King has a penchant for placing children smack dab in harm’s way. In fact, it seems to define his most horrible horror, and Duma is no different. The old in-your-face language is there to please those loving the shock of illogical profanity, but also there are also passages of absolute beauty which other writers will wish they had said (and probably will).

Can’t wait for the next SK treat.
IT struck a cord deep within me, too, moonflower. The novel remains one of my favorites. It was all the more frightful because children were the chief victims.
I have read several of Stephen King's books. I can say he is a very excellent writer and not to mention, He knows how to make us squirm on our seats when we read one of his book, haha.

Have you read "Dolores Claiborne" by Stephen King? It is one of my favorite book that is written by him.
I’m afraid I don’t read horror books or even watch horror movies either as it stays with me for a long time which creates nightmares. :eek: So it's not for me even though I’m aware that Stephen King is an outstanding & famous writer of his genre.

To Stephen King's fans ... happy reading! :)
I read his books too and mostly watch his movies. I can't wait to see The Mist is one of SK's movie coming out next week Tuesday. I start to read book by SK called The Girl Who Love Tom Gordon. I have not finished that book. LOL that's because I was working too much back then. I like the BOOK , because it makes me feel like I'm part of the story. LOL
Chase, help me out here. I read Blaze a few weeks ago...exactly who wrote it? I didn't really understand what he was talking about when he was referring to the he the author or is it the Robert guy? Are they the same guy?

Thanks. I'm hoping you'd know.
Chase, help me out here. I read Blaze a few weeks ago...exactly who wrote it? I didn't really understand what he was talking about when he was referring to the he the author or is it the Robert guy? Are they the same guy?

Thanks. I'm hoping you'd know.

I know it supposed to be for Chase, From the book I see it says Richard Bachman (author) and Stephen King (Foreword)

I saw book at walmart and almost brought it.
AH I got some lot of Stephen Kings novel as well, got tell you he spooky man that sure knows how to give readers a good scare! He really is an excellent writer and I have not yet get a chance to read his book or the movie that called the "Mist" ... so I am betting it must be pretty good story there. :)
Chase I too am a great Stephen King Fan I have ALMOST every book he wrote. My favorite was the Green Mile. But the others are so good at keeping you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens.

And dont forget Stephen King also wrote under the psuedonym of Richard Bachman. So if you see a Richard Bachman book, it will also be a Stephen King book lol.

Ever notice that ALMOST all of Sk' books are set in Maine? And many of them in the town of Castle Rock.
I used to read several of Stephen King's books before and still have them in my attic. I will have a look at books in attic again due Spring clean this weekends.
Ever notice that ALMOST all of Sk' books are set in Maine? And many of them in the town of Castle Rock.

I've read most of the Bachman books, too. Most were written before Carrie, but didn't sell. That gives me hope for my writing.

I also like the imaginary Maine towns of Derry and 'Salem's Lot.

Bear (or anyone else), which of all SK books or stories is your all-time favorite?

Mine is the long story or short novel, Cycle of the Werewolf. Ha ha ha, I think about it when I'm working in the dark with bees with only a full moon for light, wishing I had some fireworks or silver bullets.
I've read a couple of SK's books in the past--good suspenseful reading indeed! However, I have found to my liking, that Dean Koontz may be a better author, in terms of the words he'll use (he's a master at that), the vivid descriptions in the story is also quite superb and outstanding. Some of his books I have found really are the 'edge-of-your-chair' reading are:

--Dragon Tears
--The Face
--Velocity and many more

Everytime I go to the store, each time I pass the book section, I'll always be checking the top 20 and see if Koontz has another book out, if so...all the better! :D

Sooo, if you haven't yet read a Dean Koontz book, give it a try and let me know how it is compared to SK. ;)

Perhaps Sk is a master story-teller, I think Koontz is a wordmaster.

Awfully hard to avoid comparisons when two contemporaries such as Stephen King and Dean Koontz share so many similarities in genre and backgrounds.

Both were boys from poor families who managed to graduate college and work as English teachers while creating fiction. Both paid dues by writing lots of stories and novels before publication in the ‘70s. Both married school sweethearts who were remarkably supportive to their husband's writing. Arguably, both men look enough alike to be brothers.

I think it’s only natural that their popular works are considered together. In literary classes and discussions between the two, King seems the favored writer by two-thirds, to a third preferring Koontz. That's a faithful following.

A thumbnail of positive reasons are that King’s work seems to cover a broader range of subjects, use more diverse formats, and create more rounded and identifiable characters. Fans find his layered details enthralling. Most detractors are made uneasy by children in peril.

Positive critics for Koontz seem more comfortable with his familiar formula and formats and like his protagonists with Judaic-Christian values, more clear with theme of good versus evil. They find his fast-moving style refreshing. Most detractors find his characters a bit difficult to identify with.

These thumbnails are highly debatable, should be taken with several grains of salt, and are offered as more of a starting point for discussion rather than any kind of last word. Neither author may have yet written his best work.

I enjoy both writers, but if threatened with a wooden stake or silver bullets, I'm happier reading King.
RR i read dean R koontz books as well too right now i am reading strangers
few of his books that are my favorites are

back to SK favorites
IT of course lol
the dead zone
green mile
(Koontz fan, too, RR)

The Green Mile is at the top of my list - the twisting metaphors in the book are so cool. For example, the color green is usually associated with life and springtime but in this case, it is about death. How cool is that?!
I wanna meet Stephen King one day!
I love...

"It" and "White Hospital (I think it's right title)" movies. They are my favorite. :):)
Oh, I forgot about It. *shuddering* That was one creepy book and movie! One time my friends hung some balloons for a party for her was near the water drainage. I was like, "NO! You can't do that. It's too creepy." Luckily she knows about my quirky behaviors and still love me in spite of it. (ha) She moved the balloons to the door. I thought all was well until a clown showed up for the party. LOL.
Now it's back to the book. I need to start reading it again The Girl Who Love Tom Gordon, because everyone talking about books. Now I need to find that book and read it from the beginning. LOL
Oh, I forgot about It. *shuddering* That was one creepy book and movie! One time my friends hung some balloons for a party for her was near the water drainage. I was like, "NO! You can't do that. It's too creepy." Luckily she knows about my quirky behaviors and still love me in spite of it. (ha) She moved the balloons to the door. I thought all was well until a clown showed up for the party. LOL.

ooooo that how my fear of clowns have start LOL
yes i agree IT was the creepiest book