Staticky noise


New Member
Jun 9, 2008
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The last two days , when someone talked , the voices sounded a bit robotic and hearing over a really bad radio..

I mentioned it to my AVT therapist , suggested to try out the microphone that comes with a long cord.

WOW what a difference , it does not bother me at all , and voices were clear and just as I remember..

Now I wonder why I hadn't tried it out..probably the problem was underlining , but I hadn't really brought attention to it.:roll:

so what now ? is there a new coil gonna make a difference ? or should I tell my therapist to phone me in an appt with audie ?

someone suggested that probably was noise from my short hair.should I believe him?:hmm:

I'm in a loss..

A new coil might improve sound, but I don't know that for sure. Since you mentioned voices being robotic, I wonder if you don't need a new map? I thought I remember you saying that you've only been mapped once or twice since your CI was activated? If I am wrong, please correct me. :)
I changed coils and it was good to go..didn't knew that coils would make that sort of interference.and WHY all the problems are always at the therapy appt ? and yes Lisa , you are right.I was mapped only twice since activation , nine months ago. first real mapping was 10 days after activation.second appt was back in the fall , I remember it wasn't yet cold.and my audie said to come back when I started hearing too this day , it hasn't happened.

maybe.but I haven't pulled it up to 9 volume yet.couldn't tolerate it yet..except now , that I switched I'm good.till today I had it on 5 volume.and I felt it loud.

So probably it was the faulty coil's fault from the start , but right now I'm in home and silent.the only thing that I hear is my laptop fan.So I'm not really sure..will check it out when I go out tomorrow or on Thurs.

Just for the history , what makes a coil fault? or a processor? is there a standard thing , or anything ?

and no , there was no H message , although sometimes I had once or twice total sillences , but I attributed it to the coil not connecting too well..and these disconnections were so FAR apart , that I did not think much of it.

I'm glad your problem was solved by changing the coil. :)

As far as the reason why coils stop working, I'm not sure. I assume it's no different than any other piece of technology that eventually stops funtioning after awhile due to constant use. They simply wear out. I wonder if it might have something to do with the fact that the external magnet in the coil loses its' ability to pick up a signal from the processor? That would be a good question to ask your audi. :)
Either coil or New map is needed.

Were you in sound booth when you had your therapy?
Hey Char!

no the therapy room is just soundproofed , as the waiting room are always blaring tv , etc from the parents that are waiting for their kids to finish , or to call them to participate in waiting room is noisy , had to soundproof the others so they could do isn't any sound booth , lol!

Maybe I do need a new map , will discuss it with my therapist on Thurs , to see what she is thinking.

My bet is your filter covering the microphones have been contaminated with moisture over time and it has finally reduced the sound so much that you are having a hard time hearing.

I have had issues where I don't notice the degredation over time until it reaches "some point" where I all of a sudden have a hard time hearing.
I wouldn't think your coil would be the cause unless you have a wire problem or connector problem on the processor.

Have you tried removing the filter cover and plug the coil back in and try it. I have done this on one occasion and was blown away with the high volume afterwards and what a relief in being able to hear again.

I can also say that all it takes is one rain drop at the right location to wipe out a filter. Typically for me is right at the top of the processor between the ear hook and top microphone right where the small gap is and the moisture soaks the filter. For me, what happens is the filter becomes hard and prohibits sound from traveling through cleanly.

I think the other microphones compensates until they get contaminated and hard.

Let us know what you find.
I really don't think the coil would ever go bad with the exception of the flexible wire getting broken or rubber cover splitting or the connector that plugs into the processor breaking.

I have had one wire cover split but still worked and two connectors come apart when removing the coil from the processor so I could put it in the dryer. I can also say that the coil was always really hard to remove from the processor. My new coils are much easier on both my ci's. I figure there was some stack tolerance that caused the difficulty in removing the coil or the rubber seal was just to big.

A new map could also be in order but how fast the change happened, I wouldn't bet that was the cause.

I did change the cover too , along the coil..I switched coils and the other still sounded a bit it's probably coil fault? I don't know..

and the previous filter was on for only 1 month.someone told me once every five - six months they need changing.

I also Dry n Store it every night , and I break it apart , filter , coil , mic , battery , controller, so it can be dried every where!
You are so so much more disiplined than me. I'm lucky to dry-n-store once a month. Probably should do that tonight since you reminded me. haha I check the filter when I get caught in the rain. I have found that one drop is enough to wipe out a filter. I've been stuck in the rain and been lucky. I have also walked in to a building and took a direct hit on the controller from a drop of water falling off the roof.

That's my luck.

Maybe the wiring on the coil is starting to break.
Hope it is still under the warranty.
Hi Vivie, The mic covers changes vary in condition you are living in, As for me i live near the sea, the air can be rich with salt, some environment is dusty/dirty, also there's your hair, if you use hair products it's likely to get the mic clogged up, dead skin all sorts of things, there is no time scale on usage of mic, i used 3 of mine already and i am 6 months!!

I wouldn't take everything apart (mic, controller, coil etc) when putting in dri box, it weakens the locking mechacism. Just open the battery compartmet and put both in the box. I use mine every 2/3 days depending on what i have been doing/ the climate. If I had been sailing daily, the processor etc are in the box nightly.

I think a visit to audi to sort it out and perhaps get new maps, have you been scheduled for another map yet? My next one is in may (9 months!!)
hmm Char , I love close to the sea too..and it's really humid!! that's why I am so religious with my CI .. I have to set up an appt sometime , we set them in our pace here when u're adult.will know more on thurs.

Stev , I am v religious with my CI as I am informed that my insurance wont re place it if it's damaged or something even when warranty is still on.if you were in my boat u wouldn't be so cavalier! And yes , it rains often.when it rains I just pull my hoodie over , or remove CI.Depends.

Also I have humidity allergy issues , and when I'm visiting my parents , I don't hear well , it's too staticky.probably the last visit was what made the coil starting to sound like parents' place is far more humid than where I live currently.Also my allergies indicate me when I need to be more religious with Dry 'n store , on days that I feel well I sometimes don't bother for a day or two.