Sprint Epic 4G

Pick up Epic at store?? Are you buying the Epic with the regular voice plan? I was told you cannot preorder or order the Epic with the sprint relay plan in the store. At any rate my company is getting my phone (Blackberry Curve 8330 ) upgraded to the Epic and everything is all set up with the sprint relay store. My Epic will be shipped out overnight as soon as the order is in so I should have it Sept 1st! :D

This phone is going to seem like such a huge leap coming from a Curve 8330. I've also had several models of the Sidekick when I was with Tmo. My Blackberry has been good to me but RIM is dropping the ball with their phones so it's time to move on.

Yes We pick it up at the store and put the cheapest voice and data plan then we call the Sprint Relay Store on VP and they will switch the plan over to the Relay Data plan.

I already spoke to them and they said we could do it this way.

Yes We pick it up at the store and put the cheapest voice and data plan then we call the Sprint Relay Store on VP and they will switch the plan over to the Relay Data plan.

I already spoke to them and they said we could do it this way.

Good luck & enjoy with the beautiful EPIC 4G, when you hands-on.. :cool2:
Hello guys,

I like an idea they make both slide-out QWERTY keyboard and touchscreen is a big plus for me also I think maybe I will wait for Andorid 2.5 to 3.0 with hot new cell phone in the block bec I am still stuck with my contract till April 2011 but worth wait for new upgrades Andorid 2.5-3.0 OS who knows. :)

Yes We pick it up at the store and put the cheapest voice and data plan then we call the Sprint Relay Store on VP and they will switch the plan over to the Relay Data plan.

I already spoke to them and they said we could do it this way.


I think that deaf customers should order Epic 4G at Sprint Relay store online. You can pick it at Sprint store but should get application for discount monthly plan???
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

ubuntu said:
It released today. :D

And then I saw this...


So fricking cool man!!

Yep! Its good to see many apps coming to Android OS. :)
ZVRS innovation a lot!

I noticed that ZVRS have many vp products and mobile vp too. Compared to other VRS. Who is ZVRS??
We got our Epic today.

it cool and still learning.

Now trying to learn how to get apps on it

I played around with it today at Sprint store. I was impressed with it! It has an awesome crisp display with nice graphics. There is even 3g coverage here! ;)
I played with one at the Sprint store as well, its an awesome phone. I already have my order in via the Sprint Relay Store but I was given bad news today. Relay Store orders are not going to be submitted until Thursday because reps are having an issue getting the orders into Sprint's system. Looks like I'll have to wait a bit longer to get my Epic, hopefully by Friday.
I played with one at the Sprint store as well, its an awesome phone. I already have my order in via the Sprint Relay Store but I was given bad news today. Relay Store orders are not going to be submitted until Thursday because reps are having an issue getting the orders into Sprint's system. Looks like I'll have to wait a bit longer to get my Epic, hopefully by Friday.

Awww, that sucks. I'm not waiting for it. I can wait until later this fall once my carrier's contract ends on Nov. :)
My cousin and I had played with both of Epic 4G and Evo 4G at Sprint store today. She decided to order Epic 4G on Sprint Relay store online. It will be shipped to her within 5 to 7 business days.