*SPOILER ALERT* Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Active Member
Nov 20, 2004
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Let's talk about Star Wars: The Force Awakens in this thread to avoid spoiling for anyone who have not seen the movie. Does that sound like a good plan?
I may be the minority but I was a tad disappointed with the movie. For one thing, they basically recycled the death star idea with the same flaw. That's just lazy writing and for such a big budget they could've afforded to try a different plot. What if instead of a death star they create an army of nanobots, or what if they develop a team of spies?

Plus the action was a bit rushed and there wasn't enough character development and just left me disengaged waiting for the movie to be over. For example, how did Han solo and Leia's son end up on the dark side? We're just given a brief explanation and a sobbing Leia wonder what happened with him.

Overall the whole movie just felt like a big commercial to sell merchandise.
Oh thanks a bunch pointless seeing now you given it away nihlist
Did you not see the "*SPOILER ALERT*" in the topic title?
Caz, I enjoyed it. Don't let one review make up your mind.
I thought it was good for a new movie, but as far as a continuous part of starwars it was a bit confusing. They jumped year in advance and left out so many details. I think what drew a lot of people in was the fact they got almost all the original actors to be in it. Put of ypu wanted to start from the first, other number 1 or the actual first starwars to come out, and watch them all through like one big store the new one wouldn't fit.

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my heart is broken!! I am NOT ready to see han being gone. :cry:

Same here. But I have a hunch that he could possible still be alive (yeah, right...but it is the movies). Remember the scene with Luke and Darth Vadar - he fell off the crosswalk too... Hope springs eternal. :hmm: :)
I thought it was good for a new movie, but as far as a continuous part of starwars it was a bit confusing. They jumped year in advance and left out so many details. I think what drew a lot of people in was the fact they got almost all the original actors to be in it. Put of ypu wanted to start from the first, other number 1 or the actual first starwars to come out, and watch them all through like one big store the new one wouldn't fit.

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As far as pot holes in the movie, there will be two more movies in this trilogy. Maybe, the pot holes will be explained in these movies.
Yes I was drawn to it could not control desperation to know but if not put spoiler alert up I would not know.What can I say I weak
Oh no Han is gone
I thought I was watching the original Star Wars movie with really old original characters playing the parts of Ben and Yoda and new actors playing the parts of the original ones. Story was very similar. All in all I wish I had waited for the DVD to come out.
Both aunt and I enjoyed it. I didn't consider it recycling but more of a 'shout out' to the original Star Wars with some parts and comments that were made by various characters as well as actions.

I too would like to see some of it fleshed out like how Kyron went to the dark side also- but it did explain a little about his personality and the whole dark side (him killing people in his class).

I am going to have to go back and watch ALL of the Star Wars now as I think I am missing a few things lol- I don't think I saw the third one in the original trilogy. Wonder if I can find a deal somewhere for all 6 on DVD...
I am going to have to go back and watch ALL of the Star Wars now as I think I am missing a few things lol- I don't think I saw the third one in the original trilogy. Wonder if I can find a deal somewhere for all 6 on DVD...

Look on Amazon they had them pretty cheap.
Same here. But I have a hunch that he could possible still be alive (yeah, right...but it is the movies). Remember the scene with Luke and Darth Vadar - he fell off the crosswalk too... Hope springs eternal. :hmm: :)

If in the next movie we find out Han Solo comes back alive just like Luke Skywalker did in the previous trilogy I'm going to do a major eyeroll :roll:
If in the next movie we find out Han Solo comes back alive just like Luke Skywalker did in the previous trilogy I'm going to do a major eyeroll :roll:

But we "old" women want our Han to come back. :P
If in the next movie we find out Han Solo comes back alive just like Luke Skywalker did in the previous trilogy I'm going to do a major eyeroll :roll:
Dunno, with the way this year is starting out.... they better make it quick.
Ok I'll bite, what does the state of the year have to do with the movie?

My guess is the way famous people are dying off. Get the next movie filmed before Harrison Ford bites the dust. Oh, wait, he already did when he crash landed that plane. :p