Sperm donor

I take that you have done that, wish you tons of luck hope nothing happens to you. 19 years waiting to find out for sure.

Nevada has a law favouring the donor and add a signed document on that, not much to worry about.

A child conceived through artificial insemination is the legal child of the husband and wife if the husband consents in writing. Nev. Rev. Stat. § 126.061 (1). In all cases, the sperm donor is not treated as the father. Nev. Rev. Stat. § 126.061 (2).

and we have a signed, legal agreement since they don't want the donor to be able to come after custody of the child and I don't want them to hit me up for child support. I feel I made a good choice to help someone else out and I feel I'm safe.
As many of you know, I'm trans and I have no wish to have children. I was bored the other day on craigslist and decided for some reason to see if anyone was looking for a sperm donor before I start HRT and become sterile.

I found a lesbian couple looking for one and I'm going to try and help them out, but really, I think it's interesting that if all goes as planned, I'll have a child, without ever having to have a child or the costs and responsibility.

I hate children and if I can pass along my genes without having to accept the responsibility of having my own kid and help a loving couple overcome the biology barrier, I find a bit of happiness there.

I just hope this doesn't make me crazy as I feel in the very back of my mind. :giggle:

If there are solid black and white that no one wont makes you to pay for the child support and still collect $ why not. :) Before you put some medicines that you were talking about.