Speech Discimination scores


Active Member
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
I was just wondering what kind of of speech scores other ADers have at the moment. Mine are(the last time they were checked) are Left 68% Right 64% unaided.
Thats without HAs! Your new HAs get you far higher speech scores! I don't know what mine are as ive never had an official speech test. I did have a quick test(audiologist back in March) unaided and scored 4% but I already knew I am deaf and hear almost nothing unaided. I can't even hear people talking unless they shout 2 inches from my ears when unaided. Aided I understand an average of 50% of what my dad says without lipreading. But I understand way less than 50% when others talk. However with lipreading I understand 80% and that's great for me.
I was just wondering what kind of of speech scores other ADers have at the moment. Mine are(the last time they were checked) are Left 68% Right 64% unaided.

Per Deafdude, those are scores without your hearing aids? That's really good!
I score 44% unaided and I have about a 95 dB loss in the speech frequency range in my right ear (left ear is 'dead'). I think I need to find out what my scores would be when aided. I can't believe I don't know this information. However, I intend to find out soon!
0% unaided, between 0% and 92% aided depending on who you are but 92% is an extreme rarity and under perfect conditions with FM. Most of the time aided is around 10%-20%
Don't know about real life...

But it's 50%-60% aided in the audiobooth with a Sumo XP.

Good luck trying to understand people in real life though... that speech score goes out of the window.
Don't know about real life...

But it's 50%-60% aided in the audiobooth with a Sumo XP.

Good luck trying to understand people in real life though... that speech score goes out of the window.

Yeah--- that's true!! However, I think that when experimenting with hearing aids like I'm doing now, it might help to find out if there's really a dramatic difference between the analog and the digital hearing aid (for me, that its).

Yeah--- that's true!! However, I think that when experimenting with hearing aids like I'm doing now, it might help to find out if there's really a dramatic difference between the analog and the digital hearing aid (for me, that its).

Mind you, that score was 5 or 6 years ago.

i think it went downhill... big time.
0% unaided, between 0% and 92% aided depending on who you are but 92% is an extreme rarity and under perfect conditions with FM. Most of the time aided is around 10%-20
Jenny.....OT but in that case I WOULD opt for getting an implant.
4% unaided and no visual cues. 92% unaided with visual cues. I'm a pretty good lip reader.

I haven't been tested with aides in a long time, but I think it wouldn't really affect my test outcome much, since my hearing loss is profound in all the sibilant and fricative speech frequencies. In real life, however, the aids help to boost volume when people are far away from me, but depending on the situation I am still missing a lot.
Really, the speech thing doesn't bother me much. I am a very strong speech reader and communicate with ASL most of the time
Oh that's good.....But I meant that your speech scores are low enough to satisfy many if not most if not ALL audis or strict canidacy advocates.
4% unaided and no visual cues. 92% unaided with visual cues. I'm a pretty good lip reader.

I haven't been tested with aides in a long time, but I think it wouldn't really affect my test outcome much, since my hearing loss is profound in all the sibilant and fricative speech frequencies. In real life, however, the aids help to boost volume when people are far away from me, but depending on the situation I am still missing a lot.

I also scored 4% unaided at 105db HL presentation level. What do you score aided? I will need to take speech tests aided but im guessing ill score 30% on a HINT test. What's your most recent audiogram? You mentioned in previous posts that your hearing was near normal in some frequencies, yet you say you are profoundly deaf? Im confused.