Special Code to unlock Sidekick/HiptopII


New Member
May 5, 2005
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Does anyone know the special code to unlock the device Hiptop II of T-Mobile,
because I got the locked Hiptop via E-bay and the owner I bought, does not remember the special code. I need your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please I paid for 300!!!!!!!!
ppomeranec said:
Does anyone know the special code to unlock the device Hiptop II of T-Mobile,
because I got the locked Hiptop via E-bay and the owner I bought, does not remember the special code. I need your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please I paid for 300!!!!!!!!

call a locksmith.
Call Tmo's locksmith. They are the only one who have it. Sorry. However FCC suspected that it has alot to do with block of interoperative with other carrier. That is all I hear.
You paid 300 dollars for that device thru ebay? There is no special code for that sidekick because he or she might have stole this sidekick. However, if you feel something not right. All you have to do is call the T Mobile because they are only one person who can un lock that security screen. They might asked for 200 dollars.

I don't normal order that kind of device for only "TMOBILE" due it their vendor of Sidekick.

Good luck...
ppomeranec said:
Does anyone know the special code to unlock the device Hiptop II of T-Mobile,
because I got the locked Hiptop via E-bay and the owner I bought, does not remember the special code. I need your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please I paid for 300!!!!!!!!

You didn't pay enough, LOL, no really i was just kidding..., OK, about the problem you are having with the code to unlock the Hiptop for T-Mobile device are not too easy to "break the special code", however there is help aviable..,WHEW! lucky you ask someone or you'll still be in lock,perhaps pay extra $300 to get yourself out.

Here are the links I have found to help pretty much.



You did not say who your providers but I was assuming you are using Danger provider and got you these links for help. Good Luck getting help from them and let me know if you either still in lock or PAH! got out!...,
