sound that you hate

Any high pitched shrill beep, like those beepers for the lazy-people carts at Wal-Mart. Oh, and the beeps of the cash register at a specific register that has that high pitch bEEEEEp! Drives me bat shit mad when I get stuck on that register all damn night.

Another is the ting-ping-ping-clink-clink-clink-clink-ting-ping of my ceiling fan when its on. I need it on to keep the room cool, but the constant noise drives me mad.

Are you calling disabled people lazy? :squint:

Do you know why I have to use the motor carts at Wal*mart?

I have hip dysplasia.

Please realize that those people who use those carts at Wal-mart may be using them because of a disability, not because they are lazy. It's very insulting to call them "lazy-people carts", regardless of the beeping noise (I hate that noise and of course think that noise should be done away with).
When one is clearing their throat that sounds like they are hacking up a huge spit wad. Talk about turning green to the gut!

When a woman's tone of voice suddenly transitions to a complainer's day fest! That deserves a bitch slap! LOL
Crickets live in the AC vents? Geez, get pest control to take care of that!

It happens annually for a month out of the entire year...they eventually leave on their own. Hasn't gotten so bad that i've need to call pest control.. a handy can of Raid always does the trick.
For me... it's cell phone ring tones. When I hear your phone erupt into a violent fanfare of some obnoxious teen pop song, I want to stab you and then myself.
It happens annually for a month out of the entire year...they eventually leave on their own. Hasn't gotten so bad that i've need to call pest control.. a handy can of Raid always does the trick.

Ah yeah. I constantly keep a big can of Raid handy too...This is Texas so we always have roaches here no matter what, thanks to other neighbors who have very dirty apartments - the roaches from their apartments come into our clean apartments through the vents, and no matter how well the pest control does the job to get rid of the roaches more still comes back because all the central AC/heating vents in my apartment are not closed off from other apartments like they should be - all the air in the vents travel freely between all through the apartments in the entire building via the vents. I think this building was built in the 60s or 70s so I guess they had not thought to make all the vents in each apartment closed off from each other like in newer buildings. Rather annoying. And the roaches are sometimes very scary because of their size, I have seen some that are an inch long and are very fat! Ugh, but at least not all are that big, most are no bigger than my pinky fingers - those are less scary. I attack them with my Raid can every time I see one. I think we would have been better off with a box AC in the wall rather than central AC so there would be no vents. That's how it was in Minnesota when I lived there before I moved here.

Guess what? We get other species crawling in our apartments here too. Last week an Texas Alligator Lizard (or it looks like one) got into my kitchen from under my front door! It still lives there. I know he is still there cause he pissed on one of my chairs the other day and I can tell because lizard piss is white and not clear, unlike human piss. I've been trying to catch him but he is a newborn so he is so tiny and he is so fast! He is only less than 2 inches long and really thin! It'll get easier to catch him when he is a bit bigger. I want to catch him so I can set him free or take him to a wildlife center. Small lizards are pretty harmless and I also know how to handle large lizards as I used to have a large iguana in the past. We also have wild iguanas here in Texas, I've seen them around. I have seen several different kinds of lizards here, one of them is yellow, too! Very yellow! Their colors remind me of the exotic frogs in the rainforests in South America.

At least I do not live way out in the country because that's where you're apt to get scorpions and snakes in your houses! :shock:

Life in Texas is quite interesting! I don't think I will ever leave Texas. I really like it here. It's fun to see different species that I don't ever see in the midwest. It even feels like I moved to another country, practically. It's very different, and I like that. Midwest was so boring for me, I was so bored all my life ever since I moved to Milwaukee, and I always had a goal to get the fuck out of the midwest states and go live somewhere interesting. and I did it, I'm here now, yay!
For me... it's cell phone ring tones. When I hear your phone erupt into a violent fanfare of some obnoxious teen pop song, I want to stab you and then myself.

I agree. I don't have any ring tones on my Sidekick 3 because I never use the phone, I just use AIM, text, and email - I use prepaid unlimited data plan - $10 every 10 days. I see no sense in having ring tones, even if I could talk on the phone - which I cannot anyway - because I don't want to draw attention to myself when my phone rings (people do call me - always a wrong number because I never recognize the number the call came from) if I am on a crowded city bus or at a restaurant. It'd be quite embarrassing, and I would be like "what are you looking at me for?!" without realizing that my phone had rang and is playing ring tones and it has attracted attention. I actually also have the phone ringer turned off, and everything on Sidekick 3 is on vibrate - it used to have sounds when I first bought it (I can hear the sounds when I get a new IM or text or whatever) and I turned all of that off and set everything to vibrate. I don't need that kind of attention. I'm not an immature teenager trying to be so cool. Teenagers and young adults who do this looks like EPIC FAILS.
I agree. I don't have any ring tones on my Sidekick 3 because I never use the phone, I just use AIM, text, and email - I use prepaid unlimited data plan - $10 every 10 days. I see no sense in having ring tones, even if I could talk on the phone - which I cannot anyway - because I don't want to draw attention to myself when my phone rings (people do call me - always a wrong number because I never recognize the number the call came from) if I am on a crowded city bus or at a restaurant. It'd be quite embarrassing, and I would be like "what are you looking at me for?!" without realizing that my phone had rang and is playing ring tones and it has attracted attention. I actually also have the phone ringer turned off, and everything on Sidekick 3 is on vibrate - it used to have sounds when I first bought it (I can hear the sounds when I get a new IM or text or whatever) and I turned all of that off and set everything to vibrate. I don't need that kind of attention. I'm not an immature teenager trying to be so cool. Teenagers and young adults who do this looks like EPIC FAILS.

Yeah my pager is always on vibrate, so even when a wrong number calls there's no sound. I don't understand why people would want to attract such attention to themselves.
Quite honestly... the sound of a particular co-workers voice... especially early in the morning... :D :D :D
I hate a ring sound in my left ear. that sound stuck with me forever... forever..... :mad2:
Wear HA? It's not sound, it's vibrate that shake your head.

Wear CI? It's weird sound that gonna suck your brain until you find awesome mate to sleep with.
That annoying whistling sound in my hearing aid.
MSN and AIM sound when you chat. God, it bloody kills my ears.
last but not least.
Rap music and metal music. I can't stand music that screams throughout the whole song lmao
I love my CI but sometimes of course I hear sounds that makes me cringe but PowerOn is wrong it does not suck on my brain hes just saying crap because he is anti CI and anti HA

he is anti anything that lets deaf people hear

Anyway the sound I heard the other day made me cringe, we had gotten tea at Grady's and they were in huge Styrofoam cups that is very popular in texas because of the heat

anyway my fiance had the cup in a cup holder in the truck and he was fooling around with it fiddling with the cup while it was still in the holder and it made a really intense squeaking sound I had to pop off my CI, that is a new sound I hate now lol

But It is only one of a very few sounds I hate I love most of the sounds I hear
Scarey creepy music in most of the horror movies send shivers up my spine. When I mute the sound on the TV or turn off my hearing aid, I don't feel scared watching a horror movie.
Scarey creepy music in most of the horror movies send shivers up my spine. When I mute the sound on the TV or turn off my hearing aid, I don't feel scared watching a horror movie.

But that's half the fun of watching horrors, to get the shivers. :)
The sound of fingernails skritching down a blackboard. Gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it.