sound and beyond


Active Member
Jun 23, 2003
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Hi guys-

instead of paying heavy price to audio-verbal-therpy to learn to listen and etc...

i am wondering if this software sound and beyond is good? i know it cost upper $200's but seems like it will save money and time driving to see a therpist.

any of you guys experience this program? working good?
I never feel OK whenever there aren't human feedback with my children.

I know nothing about that stuff you talked about but I'd gladly pay more than $200 for humans to give my children feedback instead of just $200 for my kids to learn through a software on a computer.

This is just an intuitive response on my part... If I'm off base here, I'd gladly look into that software and react to it with education.

I love learning!
I say it really depends on the nature of the software. It can really useful for repetitive exercises and you can work with it whenever you want like late at night or whatever suits your fancy. For some people, that is a big draw because you are in the driver seat. With people, you have to set your schedule to theirs...

To answer deafscuba's question, I heard about it but I never needed it and therefore I don't know much about it....sorry.
Well, with a program... you don't have a specialist telling you what you're doing wrong.
I take my daughter to av therapy every week and i can't see how a program could possibly help as much as 1 on 1 contact with a therapist. I think it would be quite challenging actually because you could misinterpret what the program is saying. I would think it would be ok to get the program along with going to therapy or after you've been going to therapy for awhile when it gets a little easier to understand what you are being told what to do.
I have heard of this, didn't need it for myself since things just clicked right away. I have read on some forem that people who have used it thought it was pretty good. These are adults, not children, and probably mostly late deafened so they had the background in sound to begin with.

I would say if the person is late deafened it would probably be worth the investment. It would probably be worth using as a supplement to actual one on one theraphy for a child or even an adult just learning to hear for the first time.
this is what the topic starter is talking about
Sound and Beyond™

Although for AB users , they can find this same product on this page at bottom;
HiResolution Bionic Ear Cochlear Implant System -- with the AURIA BTE "Hearing your Life Rehabilitation Software"

of course titled differently but made by same company that sold them to those CI makers.

Advanced Bionics sells the same product fo $189 it's the same thing
as Sound and Beyond. Sound and Beyond and Hearing Your Life were
created by individuals at House Ear and sold to the CI companies.
by Kim Brownen via Yahoo CI group.