Sorry I've been absent =(


New Member
Sep 14, 2011
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Hey everyone! Sorry I've been missing the last few days. I've been dealing with the death of my friend and all of his funeral services (so so so sad). And, to add insult to injury, my house got robbed on saturday morning!!!! I swear to God, I should write a book and call it "I Couldn't Make This S#!% Up If I Tried"!!!
My condolences to you in the loss of your friend. :(

I'm sorry about the robbery. That's terrible.

I hope today is a better day for you.
welcome back Samantha- i'm so sorry about your friend, my condolences to you. please keep all the windows and doors locked.. crazy things happen all the time but things always get better :hug:
Thank you everyone. I'm ready for things to calm down...everything has been a disaster lately.
OMG! I am so sorry to hear about all the trouble! I hope things settle down for you.

So sorry about everything. May October be a better month for you all the way around.