Sorry!!I forgot Allow me introduce you 'bout me!


New Member
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
I'm apolyized(sp) to you everyones not getting know about me..
I should have post Introductions here first place unfortunally takes too long being so late..

btw, Allow me introduce you 'bout me..
I'm from Ontario,Canada (Southwestern Ontario) that where I living at.
Love artist of cartoonist
Hobby: Crochet and crafts.
Sports: Darts and Bowling.
Fave foods: Salad, Rosstire Chicken, and Submarie

I'm afraid if you thinks am I crazy or nuts drawing werido funny pictures which prevouis recent posting ?? Im not mentioned about that being silly. I just thought I could make you everyones feel cheer and laugh enjoy viewing my post but seems not really good at it.. Am I being rude remarks on every where on my post ? Let me know.. I do not being here for "offense you".

Hope to enjoy meeting you guys on :cool:
R3b0rn Bullym0m, :rofl:

I hope y0u will 3nj0y and surf the alld3af.c0m h3r3.

0f c0urs3, I kn0w y0u sinc3 w3 m3t in p3rs0n s0m3tim3 b3f0r3. Y0u sh0uld m33t us at 0kt0b3rf3st in Kitch3n3r r3c3ntly. :beer: :laugh2:

3njoy y0ur tim3 t0 us3 this sit3.


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:wtf: Aldo.. I know you weren't drunk at Oktoberfest and you couldn't have had any residual alcohol left over when you were typing this!! LMFAO.. what's with the 3's?! :nono: Playing games with Freaky's mind.. gonna getcha at the meeting!! :rofl:
:wave: welcome to AD and enjoy ur stay! :D not worry bullym0m -- u have already been welcomed here on AD :D
Fly Free said:
:wave: welcome to AD and enjoy ur stay! :D not worry bullym0m -- u have already been welcomed here on AD :D
FlyFree, Great Thanks to you being welcomed me on :)
Welcome to AllDeaf, Bullym0m. It's good to have you here.

Now, what's your bulldog's name? ;)
:wave: HI.. :applause: welcome to AD! :) enjoy your stay..

whats more your hobbies are just like me.. I am still crocheting.. its almost more than 30 quilts since i was 8 years old.. i think.. hehe..

I need to stop for while cuz i start to feel numb on my last two index fingers and my elbows.. I cant help it.. I have habits that I must do with my hands/fingers.. for example.. I watched movie tonight that i rented.. wrong turns.. eek its scary.. I crocheted 12th patches and I stopped and do folding laundry lol hehe :)
Alex said:
Welcome to AllDeaf, Bullym0m. It's good to have you here.

Now, what's your bulldog's name? ;)
Alex, That avatar pic.. "Chippy" She is passed away from June 24th 2003. *pout*.. She got killed by a car.
I have 2 bulldogs here.. 1 female "Rogue" and 1 male "Bruiser".

MsGiglz, Ha Ha.. Addiction Crochet... I still working on Huge Dark Blue Blanket which my little son kept pesting me when that blanket done it yet? I was told him pretty almost.. Ha ha.. btw My daughter asked me Can you make me beautiful blanket.. Oh... *rolls my eyes up* Okay, I'll do that for her.. She jumped and excitied.

Thank you very much for being welcomed me here being so warming! *wink*
Welcome to AD. Glad u joined. :grouphug:

You are not crazy about ur art skills u post some in AD. Admired your arts. Make us laugh and/or blushing. I see another ADer likes play Darts. Way to go!! :thumb:
Lasza said:
Welcome to AD. Glad u joined. :grouphug:

You are not crazy about ur art skills u post some in AD. Admired your arts. Make us laugh and/or blushing. I see another ADer likes play Darts. Way to go!! :thumb:
*shrugs* Oh Thanks... Lasza...

I'll keep doing drawing artist of cartoons and will post it. *wink'n*
Which one do you likes post (Name it) ?
Bullym0m said:
*shrugs* Oh Thanks... Lasza...

I'll keep doing drawing artist of cartoons and will post it. *wink'n*
Which one do you likes post (Name it) ?

I like that part about ur arts is Dickskie. :)
Lasza said:
I like that part about ur arts is Dickskie. :)
ahhh, There's go... Alrightly.. One day I'll do that..
*wink'n* You can tell me what do something funny related dickskie.. I'll be very happy draw picture of cartoon. :)'s OK -- like others have said ... you're already welcomed here! ;) :thumb: Keep up with entertaining us with all those wonderful drawings you've done recently! :wave:
WaterRats13 said:'s OK -- like others have said ... you're already welcomed here! ;) :thumb: Keep up with entertaining us with all those wonderful drawings you've done recently! :wave:

Secondly that! Enjoy her entertaining us.

ahhh, There's go... Alrightly.. One day I'll do that..
*wink'n* You can tell me what do something funny related dickskie.. I'll be very happy draw picture of cartoon.

OH yes, like to draw something more hiliarous and possible annoying men. *snickering*

something related to holidays and pestering. just suggestion. :angel:
Lasza wrote: OH yes, like to draw something more hiliarous and possible annoying men. *snickering*

Alrightly.. I'll draw cartoon picture sumth'n else different.. Hey.. I have done posted "Kloo picture" means clue picture guessing anything you can answer the hint.. Sounds fun... much more... I'll keep in my mind and more creative drawing cartoon picture. :type: do tha... *wink'n*

I'm glad you enjoyed viewed my entertaining cartoon pictures.. :wiggle:
Go :crazy: Im thic] im newbs here.. i jsut join here yesterday,.. Ohh man i read some of those stuffs and most of them are dirty i never know it will have one but it is FUCKING COOL! haha
Hi BullyMom.....Welcome to ALLDeaf!!.....*Welcome Hugs*....
Hello welcome to alldeaf bullymom.. Hugs!...Its a pleasure to meet u here... *smile*
Thanks for welcome me.. but old news.. when I joined here pretty long ago.. but return again... join date sept 2003 :)

*wink* btw thanks again..
Merry Christmas and HNYE '04