Sorenson VRS


New Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Hey y'all,

I would like to ask some question if you know about it. Most of my friends have Sorenson VRS and they got it for free. They said that it will need DSL or Cable or high speed modem.
I do not have computer at home and I am using the computer at work. I want to know if I can get Comcast High speed for the sorenson vrs alone????
The answer is loud and clear... Of course, YES!

These VP are stand-alone unit and do NOT need computer for ANY reasons. They need two things. A TV set, and high speed internet connectivity.

If you got one of these, you can't get VP

Dial-up internet
ISDN (can, but the quality will be compromised)
AOL Broadband*
MSN broadband*

*I know they have broadband, but plm is that they have protocol which automatically includes firewall, thus won't work with VP.

bluegecko474 said:
Hey y'all,

I would like to ask some question if you know about it. Most of my friends have Sorenson VRS and they got it for free. They said that it will need DSL or Cable or high speed modem.
I do not have computer at home and I am using the computer at work. I want to know if I can get Comcast High speed for the sorenson vrs alone????
I have deaf friends who do not even have a computer and know nothing about operating one! But they have V.P.

V.P. is great if you are ASL speaking and have many deaf friends.
FYI, I forgot to mention this. Your local cable company will be VERY confused why you want cable modem and not having a computer. They have no idea what VP is about and think its stupid for them.
:ty: all of you. I got more information from my friends too.
I was thinking about purchasing the desktop computer or "notebook". I am still searching and asking lot of questions to the salesman before my final choice.
Whatever you buy, go for AMD Athlon 64. The real reason is because it won't become outdated sooner than necessarily. 64 bit platform is just around the corner so you would want to make your investment last as long as it can go.

Even though HP and Compaq is partnered together (Same company, different name) They do make at different location by different people. I would stay away from Compaq, go for HP. I discovered that HP uses world respected motherboard manufacturer (By computer geeks)! That is ASUS! When I open up my HP and discovered there ASUS motherboard, I was so thrilled about it. Compaq makes their own motherboards.

bluegecko474 said:
:ty: all of you. I got more information from my friends too.
I was thinking about purchasing the desktop computer or "notebook". I am still searching and asking lot of questions to the salesman before my final choice.
Our agency is offering complete working PII systems for $50 to eligible deafs so they can have an interoperable system and be able to try different relay offerings. They are Dell's or HP's given to us for the program.

We've already liberated a few people from the grips of Sorenson through this program. And we will liberate many more people from Sorenson soon.

bluegecko474 said:
:ty: all of you. I got more information from my friends too.
I was thinking about purchasing the desktop computer or "notebook". I am still searching and asking lot of questions to the salesman before my final choice.

hmm. Mac mini desktop for $499 and a flat LCD monitor (your choice of brands).

Mine is iMac that comes with a 15" LCD monitor.

eMac 17" is a low-end user that has a tube monitor (CRT) which cost around $800 (street price).

Or, Apple's list of computers -

Whatever you choice Apple or IBM PC as long as you are happy with.
diehardbiker65 said:
If you got one of these, you can't get VP

AOL Broadband*

*I know they have broadband, but plm is that they have protocol which automatically includes firewall, thus won't work with VP.

Actually, with proper techincal expertise, AOL broabdand may be posible to work with sorneson VP. It is long hassle, calling AOL and do this and that and this and that... Then in the end, it will work, but speed may not be great,
AOL generally won't cooperate with you over their protocol stuff. I am just saying that if you got AOL broadband, just best forget them because its just way too much trouble.

qwerty123 said:
Actually, with proper techincal expertise, AOL broabdand may be posible to work with sorneson VP. It is long hassle, calling AOL and do this and that and this and that... Then in the end, it will work, but speed may not be great,
$50 dollars for antique PC? Hamilton, CSD, sprint all offer free Dlink videophone and they do interoperate with any VRS, and best of all, it is completely F R E E!!! Now you see why I don't give damn about Sorenson restriction!

Nesmuth said:
Our agency is offering complete working PII systems for $50 to eligible deafs so they can have an interoperable system and be able to try different relay offerings. They are Dell's or HP's given to us for the program.

We've already liberated a few people from the grips of Sorenson through this program. And we will liberate many more people from Sorenson soon.

diehardbiker65 said:
$50 dollars for antique PC? Hamilton, CSD, sprint all offer free Dlink videophone and they do interoperate with any VRS, and best of all, it is completely F R E E!!! Now you see why I don't give damn about Sorenson restriction!

and not to mention the electric bill for the power hungry antique PC. Richard, you're still technology inept like I have always said in the past.
I can be inept and that's why we have techies on our roll. Liberation from Sorenson is a good cause whenther you like it or not.

Sorenson haven't been in Monopoly business, so whats your point of liberating from them? How can you liberate from non-monopolized business?

Nesmuth said:
I can be inept and that's why we have techies on our roll. Liberation from Sorenson is a good cause whenther you like it or not.

diehardbiker65 said:
FYI, I forgot to mention this. Your local cable company will be VERY confused why you want cable modem and not having a computer. They have no idea what VP is about and think its stupid for them.

Interesting...Now I know why, has to be a cable modem. Good posting! :)
diehardbiker65 said:
Whatever you buy, go for AMD Athlon 64. The real reason is because it won't become outdated sooner than necessarily. 64 bit platform is just around the corner so you would want to make your investment last as long as it can go.

Even though HP and Compaq is partnered together (Same company, different name) They do make at different location by different people. I would stay away from Compaq, go for HP. I discovered that HP uses world respected motherboard manufacturer (By computer geeks)! That is ASUS! When I open up my HP and discovered there ASUS motherboard, I was so thrilled about it. Compaq makes their own motherboards.

I heard that Compaq is alot of problems and is not qualify for anything. Why did Compaq makes their own motherboards? :confused:
That is exact why I avoid Compaq in the first place. Most compaq computer, if you need to upgrade, have to go though compaq for any upgrades. What a rip off. I KNOW HP bought compaq (Stupid mistake!). I bought HP because it has AMD Athlon 64, and HP don't make their own parts, meaning I can get generic parts from anyone.

Safari said:
I heard that Compaq is alot of problems and is not qualify for anything. Why did Compaq makes their own motherboards? :confused: